2nd Consult with Dr. Meneghetti
(deactivated member)
on 10/27/06 11:38 am - Victoria, Canada
on 10/27/06 11:38 am - Victoria, Canada
Hi all,
I am keeping my appt with Dr. M on Monday Oct 30 even though we were not able to get the treadmill test results from the cardiologist. Trish, who was filling in for Anne, called the cardio's office but did not get any further ahead than I, which was that the cardio doctor would be back on the 31st. So I am going to my appt and will call the cardio office on Tuesday and hopefully motivate them to send my results to Dr. M asap.
Sim, I am looking forward to meeting for coffee. I will wait in the office for your appt. to end. Your's is at 10am right, mine is at 9:45am.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Hi Janice,
Yes, my appt is at 10:15 am but I will be there earlier in the waiting room with my mom.
I have a question for everyone. I am a little worried that I did not do a treadmill test at the cardiologist. How can they tell how strong my heart is without it? Should I phone Dr. Mizgala's office and ask? I had an ultrasound done on my heart due to those diet pills I took 10 years ago and had an EKG and he took my blood pressure. What do you guys think? Should I be concerned?
See you for coffee Janice then after my appt ends. Ask lots of questions to Dr. M and see if you can get some answers from him.
(deactivated member)
on 10/27/06 2:14 pm - Victoria, Canada
on 10/27/06 2:14 pm - Victoria, Canada
I think the EKG and the Ultrasound are better tests than the treadmill test. They probably went straight to the best tests for you due to the diet pills. I don't think you should be concerned at all.
Yes, I was thinking it's time to haul out my list of questions and make sure I ask the pertinant ones.
See you for coffee

Hi Sim,
I wouldn't be too worried about not having the treadmill test. If it was necessary the Cardiologist would have done the test. I had mine and I failed. I was so breathless I could stay on long enough for them to get a reading.
My positive thoughts will be there for your appointments Sim & Janice.
I am also putting out positive energy into the surgeries starting in the mid December range. Even though I called Trish and she gave me other start dates. I will do this everyday until I get the call stating my surgery date in mid December.
The power of positive thinking is a wonderful tool. We'll see how fast it works.
Hey Guys,
Thought I'd just chime in on this conversation. I to was concerned about not having the treadmill test. So i did some research on this and most of the tests that we do are to see if we can withstand a longer than normal surgery. So I did some research into just general surgery and test procedures that are undertaken before that surgery. An EKG is more than enough to show a cardiologist what they need to know. An ultrasound and treadmill test may be done if there are other concerns or medical history they are concerned about. So Sim, I think you are ok as Sarah said.
Sarah's right, let's think as positive as possible. I'm not facing any major hurdles right now health wise so Sarah I'm going to put as much positive energy behind you as possible to get this surgery done. Good luck in your journey and even if it's not in December, let's hope 2007 enters with a nice surgery early on.
Sim, Janice, I'm interested in hearing with Dr.M has to say. I also have an appointment early in December so we'll be getting pretty good updates striaght from Dr.M.
Sarah, you mentioned you said something about surgeries starting next year, any word when, any new news or still the same status as before?
Hi Bobby,
Good to hear from you.
Last week when I called Trish said they were expecting to start the beginning of January 2007. They said to start calling in November. Okay, so I jumped the gun by a little.
My energy is getting evereyone a clearing for surgery and for them to start in December or give us surgery dates for early the beginning of January.
Dear Sarah,
Thanks for the post. That is very exciting news!! It will be very exciting to hear that we will all be going to WLS in the very near future.
If you don't mind me asking, who is Trish? Is there other people working there beside Ann? Sorry for the silly question? I just want to go in prepared tomorrow as much as possible.