Cardiologist test results are still not done
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/06 11:44 pm - Victoria, Canada
on 10/19/06 11:44 pm - Victoria, Canada
I have called the cardio office twice since I did the treadmill test. They can't find my file. Maybe it is in the Doctor's briefcase. The Doctor is off until October 31st. My appt with Dr. Meneghetti is on Oct 30th. I have told his nurse twice now that I need to know if further testing is needed because if so, I need to reschedule my surgeon appt. The nurse says that usually when she receives the test results the person who administered the test tells her if there is anything unusual and that did not happen in my case. So it is probable that no further testing is needed.
I gave her Dr. Meneghetti's fax and phone number and asked that she fax the results over to him asap. She says the cardiologist might check in with her before Oct 30th.
I think I had better call Anne at Dr. M's and see if he totally needs to see the test results prior to my 2nd appt. I have already reserved a seat at Harbour Air which thank god can be cancelled.
I also went to see my endo yesterday afternoon and he wants me to exercise every day for an hour. Currently that feels totally unreasonable. LOL How can I exercise when I am so busy reading OH forums and profiles. So in an effort to squeeze in more body movement,I am dragging my towels, bathing suit etc etc to work with me this morning so I can go directly to the Rec Centre after work and do some treadmilling and swimming. Unfortunately, the pool I go to does not rent out lockers or I would just keep my stuff there all the time. HMMM maybe I should switch pools...I do know of a pool that does rent out lockers. hmmmm will have to give that careful consideration.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Hi Janice,
Is this the same Cardiologist that told the nice story about broken the treadmill? He really needs to pull himself together! It amazes me that she can't contact him, usually they have other patients that need to be checked on at the hospital or they call in for messages. He may have gone out of town.
I once had a surgeon that was to be gone for 4 days and I screeched at the nurse for him to get his a** in there or I was going to discharge myself and go to a hospital in another province that wasn't going to kill me! He was there in an 1 1/2 wearing golf clothes. He wasn't taking the chance on me letting someone else see the massive errors he had made.
I think they are some what blaze' about the treatment or importance of results from testing. I hope they get to the bottom of this today so that you don't need to be thinking about outcomes anymore. It would be a great way to start the weekend.
Inspite of everything you seem to be rather sassy about the exercise issue. I'd be tying my things into something waterproof and dragging it with me in the pool, I'm sure that your exercise time would be down to 10 minutes.
(deactivated member)
on 10/20/06 11:07 pm - Victoria, Canada
on 10/20/06 11:07 pm - Victoria, Canada
Hello Sarah,
I am sure the nurse can contact him. I am going to talk to Anne first then if needed call the cardiologists office and gently encourage them to help me. I am not as concerned about the actual test results now as I am about just making sure Dr. M gets them in time for my appt on the 30th. I believe from talking to the nurse and my endocronologist that the results are fine.
I re-read my meanderings about the pool and lockers and realized it does sound like I don't lock my stuff up while I am exercising/swimming. I do lock it up but what I can't do is leave it there all the time and just change into my leggings or swimsuit when ever I do go. Dragging around a big huge towel, hair towel, swimsuit, leggings, water bottle,hair brush,shampoo, clean socks and undies is a painful experience. I already carry around alot of weight and dislike having to add more to the load. YEP, that's one of my pet peeves. LOL So I would love to just hang it all up in a locker and leave it there all the time.
Yesterday at the gym I used some of the strength training machines, did 20 stomach crunches
and also did 20 reps on a machine for my arms. Yahoooo that was challenging.
Hope you have a great weekend.