Lap Band to choose??

mary M.
on 10/12/06 11:27 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Everyone! I'm the 'new kid on the block' having just completed all my research and made my decision to pay for the Lap Band surgery. Phew! It's hard to decide what's best for one's self........& that's a lot of && to commit to. But to me it is all worth it. now I'll probably go for a consult, learn more, & perhaps decide on another procedure!! ????? I have called Dr. Amson's office in Victoria which sounds really good (he charges $18,000.00) & Dr. Leung's office in Surrey (he charges $13,000.00) and he works out of Surrey Memorial. I have gathered all the info for both. Has anybody been to Dr. Leung or know anyone who has? Help? I'm confused! Thanks for listening!
Sim W.
on 10/12/06 12:16 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Mary, You can go on Dr. Amson's website and talk to people on there who have done the lap band or know poeple who have or will be. You may get more people who have experienced the surgery there as this forum is a lot smaller and relatively new. You will hear a lot of great things about Dr. Amson. In case you don't have the website it is : Click on message boards on the left bottom corner. I heard about Dr. Leung but do not have any experience dealing with him. Hopefully between this forum and Dr. Amson's one, you will get some information Take care and good luck. Keep us posted!! Sim
mary M.
on 10/14/06 8:37 am - Vancouver, Canada
Thanks so much, Sim. Yes, I have read good things too about Dr. Amson. He is more expensive $17-18, 000.00 but I think one gets a lot of support from himself & group (from what I've read) & to me that's important. Thanks again! Mary
on 10/12/06 2:40 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Mary, Dr. Woodhead in Delta also does lapband surgery. Leanne Legare had all of her pre-op testing done through him. She had originally planned on him doing her RNY. Sarah
mary M.
on 10/14/06 8:39 am - Vancouver, Canada
Oh, I haven't heard about Dr. Woodhead. Another one for my list, for review. Thanks, Sarah! Mary
on 9/2/07 1:33 pm - North Vancouver, Canada
Do you know what the witing list time is to see Dr Leung? I called Dr amson's office and was told it will take months before I can see him and then several months before he can do the op. Since I want to pay for it myself I would prefer not to wait that long. Could anyone please tell me if there is really long waiting list even if you pay for it privatelye?
on 11/13/07 1:45 pm - Canada
i have been investigating this surgery for over a year , didnt know there were any in b.c. can someone supply a list of people i can contact via telephone or email? as for wait lists i have no idea how it works here , but when at the seminar this past thursday evening , i was told that it takes about a week to get the consult appointments , and then surgery can happen 3 weeks later if u want it to.
on 12/3/07 7:58 am - Canada
Hi Mary, I was in the same boat a few months ago. I searched and searched to find out what the whole procedure was about, costs, risks ect....To me it seemed to be the same surgery no matter where you go. In my searches, I read on a place that the original teacher of the lap-band was, so I e-mailed quite a few afiliators in the USA for Mexico. Well, for 1/2 the price incl travel,$8000.00 I flew into San Diago, was picked up and taken to a new hospital in Tiawana, a 1/2 hr drive, along with 3 other women and received a private room, nutritionist and 3 nurses. I mean al I never felt so safe and in a clean hospital. It's been 5 wks, I have lost 10 lbs and can't wait for my first fill. Here is Ishi's e-mail and website. She had the surgery there 4 yrs ago, look at her pics, she's 62... [email protected] and the website is For this 40 min surgery, why is it that Canada and the USA charges this outragious cost. Save yourself some money. You can take someone with you that sleeps on a comfy couch right in your room...just my thoughts...Sue
on 7/20/08 10:52 pm - Canada
but if you go to mexico for the surgery how do you get surgeons back home to do your fills? won't they say 'no' or charge you alot?
on 6/23/12 6:15 am
Hello Sue,
If your still checking this email I'd like to know how you have made out after this long.  I'm interested in lap band sugery but very leary of surgery.  Especially when the procedure isn't covered by provincial medical.  Have  you kept the weight off?   Have there been other health issues since the surgery?  Would you do it again if you could go back in time?

Have you had any issues with the surgery that would have been handled differently if it had happened in BC?
Thanks for any info,
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