Scope done today

Sim W.
on 9/6/06 11:42 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, Well my scope was done today at UBC with Dr. M. They sedated me a little but I really did not relax until it was all over. Putting a large tube down my throat was the worst part, and it was almost the size of a garden hose but black in color. He had to spray my throat 3 times and I almost gagged 3-4 times but I made it through. He said everything looked fine and after spending an extra 30 minutes on the stretcher they released me. They kept taking my blood pressure every 3 minutes and waited for my blood pressure to go down, (as I waited over one and half hours) before they called my name to come in, so I was anxious to say the least, the first time they took it, it was 161/61- yikes- white clock syndrome working its magic I say. Once the saline solution started to go into my system and I started to relax a little it levelled off to 128/68. then they wheeled me in to do the scope. Overall, It was not great but not as bad as what I heard. My advice is to definitely ask them to sedate you a little first and remember it takes a while for it to kick in. It's just for those few minutes when the tube goes down your throat that is the worse part of all!! And remember that you can not eat or drink for about 2 hours after the procedure but you do spend some of that time waiting to be released and Dr. M talks to you before you go home, so by the time you get home you won't have to wait much longer. By this time you are so thirsty and hungry. In my case, I did not have anything to eat or drink after midnight and even though my scope appt was for 10:30 am, I didn't get in to the room until noon and i was home by 2:30 pm. I started to feel sleepy after I arrrived home and started to finally really relax. My brother drove me home. I am going to go to bed now even though it is only 6:30 pm as I did not sleep well for past 2 nights as I was too nervous thinking about this darn scope. Thank god this part is over. Take care everyone! Sim
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/06 11:26 pm - Victoria, Canada
Hi Sim, It sounds like you had a fairly stressful day yesterday. I am glad it is over for you too and best of all everything "down there" was in good shape. Thanks for sharing you experience with us. Hope you have a great day today. Janice
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