Sugery List

on 8/1/06 3:29 am - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Everyone, Glad to hear your consult went well Sim! I called Dr. M's office yesterday to find out when I would need another appt. before surgery and was told I didn't need one that all my work is complete except for a surgery date. I asked about pre-surgical diet and Ann said low caloric count and the day before surgery clear liquid. The night before surgery a drink which works on your system like dynamite and your pipes are clean as a whistle. I said the last question I had was where was I on the surgical list and was told I was around the 5th person on the surgical list. I phoned again and asked if I had heard correctly and was told yes. How was it that I was so high on the list for surgery? Ann let me know that there are a lot of people in the works but not completed plus, other health conditions maybe involved, because mine is completed with no co-morbidities I am on the awaiting surgical list. So there maybe 50 people being readied for surgery but that doesn't mean that you will have to wait a year for surgery. Get all the testing done as soon as possible I want everyone on that surgery list!!! Sarah
Sim W.
on 8/1/06 9:21 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Sarah, Wow, what fantastic news! You must be excited. Dr. M's assistant is booking all the appts for me so I will hopefully have them done soon so I can be ready for surgery sooner. His assistant told me that the scope was a more difficult one to book but the rest of them should be soon. I don't want to be pushy or aggressive but I do want her to book them asap. Do you think I should call her and ask or just wait? Of course the longer it takes the more time it will take to get on the list faster. The last time I had any blood work done last year, all the readings came back better than normal so I'm pretty confident that I will not have have any co-morbidites. But the doctor wants to check my stomach, liver, gall bladder, etc too. The only thing I told him that I experience sometimes is heart burn and that is weight related. I wanted to be honest with him and let him know. But other than that I don't drink, smoke or even drink coffee and have not had any medical problems other than getting my tonsils out when I was 10 and I am 44 now. I also purchased the book Weight loss for dummies to read. You can say I'm real eager to do this. Thanks for the update. Take care Sim
on 8/1/06 3:50 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Sim, Bug Ann until she can't stand it! She'll be so sick of hearing you call that she'll give you the first possible appt. It's amazing to me how different the procedure is from one person to another. Go back to the office and ask to book the scope while you are there. I made my appt. for Dr. M to do my scope on my way out of the consult. She has the book right there. I know he only does them on certain days but I can't remember what days they are. Be proactive about getting things (tests) done, that's not pushy and you aren't threatening anyone so it's not aggressive. Stay eager, it's your life that will change! Sarah
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/06 10:40 am - Victoria, Canada
Hi Sarah, Thanks for posting this info. After my initial consult on July 17th I was thinking "no hurry" and was not feeling too motivated to get all my tests done but a few days ago I started to think that the way to get my name high on that wait list was to get my tests done asap. I have to go to the hospital here for a chest xray and Anne suggested that I get all my blood tests done there too at the same time but I have not called the hospital yet to arrange that. I WILL NOW LOL I had my appt with my endocronologist today and he is going to send off a "suitable candidate for wls" letter to Dr. M tomorrow and book me an appt to see the infamous Jan Klyes here on the island. She is the dietician that many of Dr. Amson's patients go to. I also had my usual appt with my psychologist last week and she is going to send her report to Dr. M too but not for about a month as she has gone on vacation. Procrastination is just one of my character flaws. I was gonna work on that one next year. LOL Thanks for motivating me to get my tests done. Hope you are doing well. Janice
on 8/1/06 3:57 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Janice, What are you waiting for there's a carrot dangling right in front of you and you're not going for it? No time for procrastinating on this, find something else to do that on in your spare time after you get the pre-surgery work done. I want everyone on that list as soon as possible. Keep going for your goal! Sarah
on 8/2/06 1:33 pm - Maple Ridge, Canada
Hi Sarah, I have an appointment to see Dr. M but it's not until Dec 11th. I asked to go on the cancellation list but do you have any suggestions how I could get my first consult pushed up???? Anxiously awaiting your opinion. Leanne
on 8/2/06 3:42 pm - Kelowna, Canada
Hi Leanne, Unfortunately, I have no solutions except maybe to call Ann and ask how many people are on the cancelation list so it gives you a better idea of how long the wait would be. It maybe just as long as your original consult if they are booking that far ahead. I know he also sees patients for other health issues so they may only have so much time for our surgery. I'm amazed at how fast appt. have filled up since I booked my consult appt. It was a only few weeks. Wish I better answers for you. Sarah
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