can't wait...

on 7/10/06 11:32 am - Langley, Canada
Hi, there. New to this; I really feel a need to speak to people that can relate. I am scheduled for lap band surgery with Dr. Leung in Surrey on Oct 13/06. I so can't wait. I have not been overweight my whole life, but for about 10 years I have been a little overweight..could still hide it with clothes - the last year and 1/2 or so I am truly obese! I am almost 300 pounds, 5'5''. I feel so depressed all the time..people say "get out and exercise, you will start to feel better"..I have a dog that begs me to walk him, but my lower back hurts so bad that I can only walk a block if I am lucky. I quit smoking about 1 year ago, so I feel good that way, but I really feel this weight is taking over my life. It is even affecting my relationships at work, friends (they tick me off now, for no apparent reason..I can't seem to control my responses to situations now..I just say it like it is..not appropriate most of the time.) and of course family..feeling sorry for myself all the time. I sound like a downer, but feel I can speak my mind here..this is how I feel about myself right now...never used to. I want my life back! Thanks in advance for listening. Did anyone else feel like this? and how do they feel now. And, please no lectures on depression...I know it is my weight. Kat.
Sim W.
on 7/10/06 3:08 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Kat, I know how you feel. I can't walk for more than a block or 2 before I start panting and my back starts to throb. Even just vacuuming for 5 minutes or standing in line at the store for a few minutes hurts. I am thinking of trying some water exercises. Have you thought of that maybe? It will take all the stress off your joints and you can stay cool and get some exercise at the same time. Don't worry, once you start losing the weight you will feel so much better and have energy again which is not that far away. Hang in there. It is okay to feel this way. I get real cracky and my husband gets the brunt of it. Sim
on 7/11/06 3:58 am - Langley, Canada
Thanks for responding to my post, Sim; thanks for the encouraging words. Kat.
mary M.
on 10/12/06 11:43 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Kat! I just read your posting & realized that tomorrow is your surgery date. You will do so well, Kat! All the very best to you......this is one amazing group, this online group, Kat. The support is incredible. I have been reading a lot of the submissions & they really care about each other. I have been researching whether I should have the Lap Band done (I sure NEED it done, as my world sounds very much like yours does right now, Kat) or RNY, or more invasive, but I choose the Lap Band & I hope Dr. Leung agrees when I go for my consult next month. Do you like Dr. Leung? I haven't met him yet. Start smiling, Kat, because your world is about to change for the better! Keep in touch online & let us know how you are doing. Remember when you start eating those little pieces, it's chew, chew, chew,, then chew once more. I learned that by reading all those entries online!!! Cheers, Mary
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