Finally approved (and just diagnosed with MS)

on 5/2/06 1:17 pm - flagstaff, AZ
I canNOT beleive it! I have been trying for years to get approved for WLS and finally, FINALLY I have been approved. July 17th is my surgery date!! Five long years and multiple denials are over! I actually could have had it quicker, but unfortunately, got diagnosed with MS 6 weeks ago, so my neurologist wants me to wait just a bit. I have to be off my meds for MS for a full month prior to and after the surgery. Has anyone else who has MS had any experience with this surgery?
on 5/3/06 12:55 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Victoria, I am so excited for you getting your wls approval! My hubby got diagnoised with MS eight years ago. He hasn't had wls..but he needs it..but he doesn't want it. What kind of meds are you on for your MS??? My hubby is on AVONEX injections once a week. It is amazing what these drugs can do for a person. It doesn't "cure" the MS, but it basically stops it from progressing. It's a scary thing to be told that you have MS. It's not a death sentence though. I can only approach this topic as a care-giver..not a patient..but just know you can e-mail anytime if you have a question about MS or wls....(not exactly an expert on either one) But I'm here!!! HugsGinger
on 5/3/06 1:36 am - flagstaff, AZ
Wow, thank you so much for your kindness. My diagnoses was scary, but honestly not as scary as the initial thoughts. I was originally told I had everything from epilepsy to a brain tumor (even parkinsons disease). It took close to two months and 7 doctors before I was diagnosed. I started Avonex (weekly injections as well) 5 weeks ago. Sundays nights are so stressfull for me, because of that stupid needle. But my husband is a gem and he is the one who does it for me. I, as of yet, have been unable to do the injections myself. Now that I'm scheduled to have the WLS I am nervous for the first time about it, I guess moreso because of the MS and going off the meds. My symptoms for it were very violent and painful. Alot of people I have talked to noticed maybe some numbess in a limb or started dropping things,. I had full on seizures. 6 the first day 3 the second and then they were controlled medically, while I was in the hospital and afterwards. I thought I was having a stroke. (Another thing they thoughi t might be). Then , after 4 MRIs, the one doctor saw what he determined to be 'a mass' on my brain and was going to do a biopsy! Thank God I got into Barrow neorological and was diagnosed before that nightmare. Barrows was awesome and I am so happy I was able to get in there. Initally I had been told it was a 3 month wait, I miraculously got in in 3 weeks instead. So honestly the MS diagnoses was almost a releif. At least it wasnt a brain tumor and at least I finally had an answer and knew what to call this thing that was attacking me. Now Im nervous about going off the meds because I fear those seizures so much. The doctors have assured me its safe to proceed with the WLS. I just need to not stress myself out. And I still have my oral meds I can take if I start to feel smptomatic, so it will all be fine, Im sure.
Terri M.
on 5/3/06 9:35 am - Pinedale, AZ
Hi Victoria! Congratulations on your upcomong surgery and your new life! I also have Dr. Berger! Isn't he the best?? I just love him and Nancy to death! I was diagnosed with ms about 8 years ago and was terrified. My mom was also diagnosed with ms about 2 years before me. I really didn't know what to do, here I was Very overweight, couldn't walk worth a hoot and no insurance. Well everything started progressing very fast and So my Nuro (Dr. Hoover in Flag) sent me to some specialist in the Valley. It turns out I don't have ms at all I have another spinal disease called Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) It only affects my lower body. No medication, No cure. But after having my Lap-Band and losing so much weight I can now walk a few steps without the aid of my crutches or my walker. Boy does it feel good! WLS has been the best thing for my disease. It's not a cure but it sure helps! I'm sure you going off the meds for a little while wont be too bad. I'm sure your doc's know what they are talking about? right?? Don't be nervous. Just think about the new and happier and healther you!! Good luck!! Terri in Pinedale
on 5/3/06 10:23 am - flagstaff, AZ
Wow. Smallworld. So yours ended up NOT being MS? Thats crazy. They must have really gotten strict on the requirements to actually diagnose. Dr Hoover is no longer practicing here in Flag and the only other neurologist is a joke. At an MS seminar I attended at BNI they said that now they cannot diagnose people with MS unless they have more than 10 active lesions in their brain as well as results from a spinal tap that tests positive for MS. Perhaps this is a relatively new requirement for diagnosis. You say your mother was also diagnosed? Did hers end being MS for sure? I'm glad to hear of your experience with Dr Berger. I havent actually talked with anyone that has had him as a doc, but yes, I think he is great and Nancy (AND PHIL) are wonderful. Phil is the one who worked magic and got my appeal through. I will not be having the lap band, I will be having the gastric bypass. Dr Berger feels that with the amount of weight I need to lose it would the best for me. I cant believe how nervous I am , after wanting this for so many years.
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/06 3:42 pm - Phoenix, AZ
* * I do not have MS But my Husband does, he is on Copaxone once a day shots.
on 5/3/06 3:57 pm - flagstaff, AZ
That was my main reason behind choosing the Avonex. Once a week vs once a day. Ughh...Once a week is bad enough. Has he considered Avonex?
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/06 4:57 pm - Phoenix, AZ
* No he hasnt considered Avonex, is the Avonex shot a deep shot? The copaxone has no side effects and seems to be keeping things under control for now, it fairly easy and goes just under the skin, hardly ever any pain with it. Once a week sure would be nice tho. Maybe someday a Pill for MS will be able to be developed wouldnt that be GREAT!!
on 5/4/06 1:49 am - flagstaff, AZ
Yeah, a pill would be great. I know I sure wouldprefer it. But yes, Avonex is a deep shot,it's intermuscular. But honestly the only pain receptors are in the first layer of skin anyway, so the depth of the shot doesnt really make a difference in pain. Mentally we fear a larger needle, but medically its the same 'pain' as one that goes just under the skin. Initially there are some side effects but I have noticed that they lessen every week. Flu like symptoms, a general achyness oll over the body (as though you have the flu) and shivering (again, just like a flu). I admit the first two weeks it was awful, but its gotten better each time. I take a mixture of a couple of advil and a couple of tylenol a half an hour before my injection and then if happen to wake up in the night up shivery and and achy a take a couple more. (but I havent had to wake up and take any since the first two times). I still feel kinda achy the next day, but again, a couple of advil and I'm fine. I take it at bedtime so I sleep through the worst of the symptoms. But I know alot of people are taking the copaxone and are happy with it. Like I sad, my deciding factor was one a week as compared to daily or a few times a week. We all to make the decision for whats best for us Has your husband had WLS while having MS? If so what was his experience?
on 5/4/06 3:33 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Victoria, I know just what you mean about the anticipation of "the shot". Saturday is my hubby's AVONEX day and he totally stresses the whole day. If I get busy and I forget to ask him if he is ready...he kinda pouts.(after all, who wants to jump up and down, begging for a shot) The last couple of months we have been trying to "trick" the mind by doing the shot on a Friday night instead..this going along with the idea that if he has the flu-like symtoms..they will pass in the night, and also the whole Saturday is not ruined by the "anticipation" As I said before, we have had 8 years of practice doing this. My hubby has tried to be a trooper, we started off with me giving him an injection and then the next week he gives it to himself in the upper leg. This just became too much, so I give it to him exculsively. I try to pinch and pull the area and insert the needle that way. Oh, and by the way, if he doesn't drink water heavily prior to his shot, the needle is hard to poke is like trying to give a shot to a raw potato. My hubby and I are all for the pill for MS idea!!!! Oh, Victoria...aren't you glad you have insurance? I heard that the original price is over $1,300..I guess the $25.00 we pay for 4 injections is a bargain!! Good luck with all this! HugsGinger
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