Spring Fling Hangover!
Hey WLS Buds,
Just wanted to thank y'all for coming last night! Wow! You guys looked amazing!
The FOOD was fantastic! Who'd a thunk that grand feast was all healthy! ....My teeny tiny pouch just wouldn't hold enough though and I felt bad that I could only sample 4 or 5 things! I think we must have some Master Chef's in our mist!
My only regret for the evening was that I couldn't spend more individual time with each of you.
I guess we'll just have to connect another time! LOL!
I caught a couple of hours of sleep last night and then crawled through a 5K for Save the Children this morning at 6 a.m.! Finishing last isn't shameful is it? *winks* I felt good to have crawled out of the party clothes and into some shorts before the race started! .....I definitely need some R & R!
Hugggz to all!
You are such a great bunch of folks!
P.S. I"ll be away for about 8 days so y'all drink your protein, take your walks and chug your water and I'll see you pounds lighter in a few!