3 years today!!!

on 2/10/06 11:45 pm - Layton, UT
3 years today! Holy Cow! It's been quite the journey. There is the long version of my story which could name every success from crossing my legs for the first time to having people offer me seats next to them on the airplane! But, the short version(short is relative with me y'know! ): .............I attended support groups before my surgery. It was a blessing. Those friends remain a blessing in my life. My angel's (Dee and Kristi and my Grandma Angel, Sherry Bear) were my mentors, cheerleaders and dear friends. ...along the way, I have added many to my list of dear friends. What an incredible "gain" as I lost! .....I began 'giving back" by volunteering at St Luke's. I then fell in love with hundreds of pre-ops as I taught them each Tuesday about protein and life after surgery.....Then the photo shoot with a mailout and my photo....my first sabotage and panick! I have since realized that I am much better as a cheerleader than I am as a poster girl. The pressure to be on someone's pedestal nearly undid me with weight regain. ...... After turning down some Bariatric opportunities and regrouping; I find myself back on track. I am just another "loser" at the support group meetings now. I am not the thinnest. I am not the poster girl. I am not anyone's inspiration. I am just me. I am a LOSER!!!! Yay! I hope to be a loser my entire life! ....I stay away from the scale because it might tell me that I can have some extra calories to celebrate. Or, it might tell me that I am FAT and that messes with my mind. I try to fit comfortably into my wardrobe, and I dream of the surgery that will someday whittle me down to the size that my body could settle at.....I realize that exercise must be part of my life forever and not until I run a race or until I fit into my tight jeans. I have danced around with many ways to "eat" as a post-op and have decided that having 2 to 5 protein drinks a day gives me energy and keeps me losing. I have learned that there is still much to learn!!!!! NO surgeon, PCP or long term grad has ALL of the answers. Our bodies are different than normies. We will always be high maintenance if we choose to remain healthy. .....there I go getting on my soap box again....LOL! ..... I LOVE being visible again in life; of being able to find my voice in a world that silenced me for years! I love helping others in the journey and delight in their success with them. BUT...I will not ever be a poster girl again.....that will definitely turn me into a winner somehow and I most definitely want to remain a LOSER!!!!! Hugggz to all who have become my new extended family along the way! Joyce (3 years old!!!! 2-11-03, OPEN Rny with Dr. Zahn.....-143 pounds.....off of all 11 medications and who can run ONE 10 minute mile with a medic standing by! LOL!)
on 2/10/06 11:52 pm - * _ *, AZ
Glad your back too, I look forward to hearing your Idea's and info on what you have do so far. Sometimes I need a little help to keeps things going. Have a great weekend Teresa
(deactivated member)
on 2/11/06 12:24 am - Phoenix, AZ
Congratulations Joyce - you are truly a success! You always have such great postings and words of encouragement for others. Can I ask you - what type of protein drink do you use? Ive been using 'Pro-Rated' whey powder, but am always looking for something that tastes yummy. Please let me know. I hope you do something special for yourself today to celebrate your anniversary. Continued best wishes for your incredible journey.
on 2/11/06 4:15 am - Layton, UT
Thanks Teresa! We ALL need a little help along the way!....But, if I can give you some support or .02 when you have a question or just a rough day then just let me know! Thanks Debra for the congrats! I treated myself to a "mall walk" this morning instead of my usual gym torture! LOL! I love walking the mall before it opens and it's a great option when the air quality is sooooooo bad! I usually do a hike/walk somewhere outdoors on Saturdays but my breathing has been icky cuz of this smog. Anyway....Pro Rated is a good protein choice for saving $$$$$; which is important. It can be doctored up with some sugar free syrups but it is definitely NOT the best tasting product on the market..... If you like chocolate then Champion Pure Whey STack is great! It mixes smooth with water, can be made as a "hot" chocolate or cold chocolate ....but is for those of us who like the DARK chocolate flavor..... Milk chocolate lovers will do better with Matrix chocolate which is a blend like the Champion Stack. It mixes smooth with water as well and is my protein of choice. It's made by Syntrax which is also the maker of the Nectar proteins. Folks who have problems drinking the Isolates will do well with either of those products as they are blends. If you like the fruity type of flavors then Nectar is your best bet. My DH also had WLS and his favorite is hands down is the Nectar, Fuzzy Navel. It tastes similar to Sunny D. But, it is a whey isolate which means it absorbs very very quickly into your system and some people get a little reaction to it. I don't do well with isolates. My DH thinks it's the only thing to have! LOL! .....Indiividual tastes for sure. ....anyway...I could go on and on and on about proteins....I became a bit of a protein "snob" when I used to work for St. Luke's! LOL! NOw I just do a lot of studying for my own benefit since I'm hoping for a long and healthy life.........it will always include protein drinks. Let me know if you are after a specific "flavor" and I can direct you to llinks to order off the net and stores in the AZ area that carry them. ....If you can get to a Nutrition Warehouse (Phoenix area only) then they carry the above mentioned products and give all WLS post-ops a discount. I would recommend getting your samples and oodles of valuable information from www.vitalady.com. I think her stuff is the best place to start with. I can often find the same stuff somewhere else cheaper but as a Learner....her site is the BEST! Huggggzzzzzzz! Joyce
(deactivated member)
on 2/11/06 8:45 am - Phoenix, AZ
Continued success in your incredible journey !
on 2/11/06 2:37 pm
Congratulations on all your success Joyce!! I always love to hear your input. Thanks for being a part of this messageboard. Veronica
Tiffany McGee
on 2/12/06 12:01 am - Glendale, AZ
YEAH FOR JOYCE! Thank you for all of your advice. I'm still wondering what DH means (darn husband just doesn't sound right). Tiff
on 2/12/06 12:35 am - Layton, UT
Thanks Kim, Veronica and Tiff!!! DH=Dear Hubby!!!! (or you can use any other D word that fits!)
Tiffany McGee
on 2/12/06 3:52 am - Glendale, AZ
And to think, everytime I read DH I tought people were saying D@mn Husband. I didn't know why, but found it amusing to say the least. Tiff
Brandy H
on 2/12/06 2:10 am - Glendale, AZ
joyce, congratulations on your success. you are truly an inspiration. brandy
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