Please help me want to weigh myself
I am 3 years post-op and I have to tell you that one of the best gifts I gave myself is the journal I kept on my losing journey. I weighed myself off and on but ALWAYS made a point of weighing neked on Friday mornings. I would record it, my waste, bust and thigh measurements and a couple of thoughts on the week. I was going daily with it but that was way too much maintenance....I eventually went to monthly and then faded off....BUT if ever I wondered how I was was tracked for me and recorded. I couldn't whine about long plateaus cuz I saw the evidence! I couldn't say I wasn't doing great because again.....there was evidence. .... I fiddled with the tracking thing too and that was fun to see the little dot finally move into the "normal" range! Very rewarding! BUT, sweetie've got to get on that scale and find the numbers before you can record them! This is the mos rewarding time in the journey....don't short change yourself of the thrill of seeing the diminishing numbers! Make a plan and stick to it!
Joyce in Chandler
Connie...Awwww, I don't have any answers for you! But Sheryl is right!!!! We are all very lucky! I don't have a problem weighing myself! I don't get discouraged anymore, BECAUSE I KNOW that the weight WILL come OFF! I always have my husband weigh me since I don't have a digital scale..I can't read the small But it seems to help, having him be apart of it, because even if I lose a pound, he gets happy, so that makes me happy! Well best of luck to you... Your LOSER Buddy Tara