Unmotivated, another 100 pounds

on 11/2/05 1:37 pm - Glendale, AZ
Okay, I'm almost 8 months post-op now and I'm totally not motivated. I know it's because I've lost over 100 pounds so far and have come a long way since pre-op, but my gosh, I still have another 100 pounds to go. But for some reason I am just not motivated to "try". Also, I have been lax in not only exercise and journaling my food on fitday.com, but also coming here. I used to be on this board all the time and now I'm like a pop-in guest!! It's like, c'mon, Trisha!! Get with the program. Anyway, I'm going to really try to come here more often and get remotivated. I know that motivation comes from within and nothing outside of me can "motivate" me, but I think I need to not "normalize" myself. the further out I get, the more "normal" I feel and I eat "normal" foods (i.e. bad foods) even though it's small portions, but it's still bbbbbbaaadddd food. Anyone else out there who had 150, 200+ pounds to lose and lost motivation 1/2 way through the journey? I could understand if it was near goal, but I stil lhave another 100 to go. My current weight is many short people's pre-op weight!! (I'm 6 feet tall.) I'm glad you all are here! Trisha
Sandy in Tucson
on 11/2/05 8:47 pm - Tucson, AZ
I had 180-190 lbs to loose. I have 143 lbs off. I am a success according to the books and studies. But, I am not happy yet with the weight loss....I keep thinking what if I regain some...i will be in a mess. Plus, at my age this is no game...no time for 3-4 more chances to do it right. Excercise is no fun, I got to admit. Everyday now, even more than just out of surgery is a daily challange to eat the right foods and move more to keep the weight off. Have you thought about professional help...I am considering it myself. I am going to do whatever it takes to keep on track. Sandy in Tucson
(deactivated member)
on 11/2/05 10:18 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Trisha ~ I was relieved to read your posting, as I am struggling with a similar issue. I have 170 lbs to drop, and so far have succeeded with 83lbs. I am finding that I can eat ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, and still not get sick. I am really surprised by this because I have read all the postings where people have trouble with foods all the time. Not me. Halloween was a disaster!!!!! This was the first time I tried candy since my WLS in 6/05 - and I couldnt stop! I had been so careful about what foods I was eating, excercising daily, drinking my water - but now I am completely off track since Ive gone over to the 'bad' side. The other night I sat down at my computer, and wrote a very long posting just pouring out my feelings on this matter. When I read over it, it made me mad to realize that I have worked so hard, and now I am just eating and eating and don't know what to do. Anyway, I deleted the posting because I knew that I had no one to blame but myself! It is overwhelming when there is such a large amount of weight staring you in the face to lose - I doubt myself at times if I will ever reach my goal. But then other days I am so excited and optomistic. Geez! I guess I just wanted to let you know that I totally understand how you feel right now, and things will get back on track for both of us. We are on an incredible journey - and got a little sidetracked perhaps. Take care - thank you for all your postings - it really helps me more than you know. When the meetings get back over to Metrocenter I will try to stop by (I was only able to attend 1 so far). Thank you again.
cynthia E.
on 11/3/05 3:37 am - buckeye, AZ
Trisha; You have come so far. We all have. I don't think the amount of weight we need to loose is the problem. It is our brains telling us it is enough. I am now 11 months post op. I have lost 88lbs. I only have 15 more to go and I just don't want to do it anymore. I am tired of foods, and exersice. I went to my PCP and talked to him about it. He explained that our bodies have been through so much since our surgeries that our brains don't have time to catchup. It needs a vacation in a sense. He told me to try to trick myself into wanting to eat more protein and change my excercise. It sound easy enough but to tell you the truth. I simply don't want to. I still eat ok I just don't count calories, protein and monitor my exercise right now. I have started drinking alcohol. Maybe that it is. We are in slump, hopefully now that it cools off we can get back on the wagon. You have had some medical issues come up lately. Your body has gone through a lot. Take some time for yourself. Maybe some relaxation techniques can help you get motiviated. Hang in there, you are so close. cynthia
Marilyn C.
on 11/3/05 4:20 am - Bullhead City, AZ
O.K. Her it goes Your kick in the you know what. Trisha you are starting to reach that period they call the "honeymoon period" is over. Now is when it gets harder. I am 19 months out have lost 140 lbs, but still fight with the last 50. I went to my doc last week & yes, he kicked my butt back into wakeup mode. So here is yours.!! 8 months ago you were ready to die to get this surgury. You suceeded in getting the surgery & started losing weight this first 100 lbs come off easy. It always does, that is why you should of been learning new eating habits along the way. It is not too late. Your pouch still works, it is making the correct choices that will get the rest of the weight off. I this week have gone back to protein only cut out the carbs & have lost 5 lbs already. You can do this go back to measuring your food 3 small meals a day at least 64 oz. of water a day, you have to exercise at least 3 times a week. Going for a walk will work to get you re-started back into the exercise mode. You can do this. If you dont re-vitalize your system you will start gaining the 100 lbs that you lost. believe me this is the time that it does get harder to stay off. Make sure you keep taking all of your vitamins. If you do not drink protein shakes, you might think about them as they help curb the late & high carb munchies. Some doc's don't believe in them (mine doesn't) but i don't listen to him, I go by what others have done & accomplished for 5, 6 or 7 years out. You can do this & You will win this battle. O.K enough yelling If you want a snack in the day make it apple slices (cruchy stuff) or string cheese they are protein and great quick snacks. Good luck & know this is sent with Marilyn, the Bearlady
on 11/3/05 9:23 am - Glendale, AZ
Thank you all for your replies!! So good to know I am not alone. Sometimes I'm like you, Debra, where I start writing a long post or e-mail about what I'm doing wrong and think - who wants to hear that, but sometimes it's good to just let it out because we can all learn from it, ya know? The halloween candy got me big time these last 2 weeks as well. It's EVERYWHERE at work. It's like I couldn't get enough. I need to detox my body now of this sugar. Plus it's scary now being able to eat any kind of food and there be no reaction. It's like the "easy" (honeymoon) part is over and I actually have to work now. I worked at it in the beginning, don't get me wrong, but old habits die hard and I seem some old eating habits coming back. Yes, I have been contemplating professional help mental-wise for months now. I keep putting it off. But I think it's time. My mind needs a tweaking! Thanks again for your input and help!! Hugs, Trisha
Kathy S.
on 11/4/05 10:42 am - PHX, AZ
Trisha, Thank you for the honesty of your post. I am a pre-op lurker trying to wrap my brain around what is coming. I'm 5'8" and 310# so I am looking at a HUGE number to reach 160. Your posts to others are encouraging and helpful .....PLEASE stick around. You look so different! Keep going forward and follow the wise advice of some of the prior replies. Chin up and know people are here for you! Kathy
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