How soon after...
Dr. Juarez had told me that as soon as you can walk straight you can drive. You don't want to strain your body to much. I drove about 1 week out. I made little trips. I would go to the grocery store and then further and further. It is scary at first. I drove with my little pillow on my side for about a week. After that scary feeling went away I tossed the pillow away. Keep that little pillow handy. It will help with the walking, sitting and sleeping. Are you going to have someone drive you down from Prescott for the surgery?
Getting excited for you,
I didn't drive the first week post-op just in case, but at about a couple weeks out I felt OK to drive. I just didn't want to ruin my operation. Crushing into the steering wheel in an accident is the issue, so just ask your surgeon and see how you are doing afterwards and go from there. They say 3-4 weeks, but most patients say less than that. It just depends I guess.
-101 lbs

Not till you are off of pain meds. Personally, I was off them once I was released from the hospital but my attention span, coordination, mobility and thinking were altered from the aneshthia (sp?) and I waited till 2 1/2 weeks. And even then it was very short trips. I agree with another posting you do NOT want to risk an accident with the airbag/steering wheel and your recent operation. I was lucky enough to have friends and family drive me for the 2 full weeks and friends bring by things I might need rather than driving myself. If you can, don't ru****