As the Appeal Turns: the neverending storys
Since Mr.W in the appeals department still maintains my appeal never existed, I decided to stop arguing and fax in another. A friend here in AZ gave me the name and number of her contact, Ms.A.
Ms.A was very nice, and when I told her about all the grief I've had with Mr.W, there was a pause and she said she is Mr.W's supervisor! I told her my lawyer would be faxing the appeal to Mr.W. She said to fax it to her instead and that she is going to find out what the h#ll is going on. At least I got to talk to someone other than an operator.
Praise God! Glad you got connected to the right person. Seems like you are in good hands now. It's frustrating when people do not handle our lives (aka "files) right. This surgery is a matter of life or death for us and some people just do not understand that. Hang in there. Glad you spoke with someone higher up and she is proactive and able to help you!!
Keep us posted! We are rooting for you 100%!!!

-95 lbs