what do you miss the most?

Brandy H
on 8/4/05 2:01 am - Glendale, AZ
hi az! for all of you post ops...what is the food/drink that you miss the most. or that you crave the most? for me, i REALLY miss diet pepsi. brandy
Julie Froggerfly
on 8/4/05 7:30 am - Tucson, AZ
Pizza. *drool*
cynthia E.
on 8/4/05 7:50 am - buckeye, AZ
I miss French Fries! I eat 1 now and again if someone has a few extra. I savor the flavor. Although I do miss soda any kind of soda. I tried to let a pepsi go flat and when I took a drink, it was so gross. Won't try that again. Cynthia
on 8/4/05 11:37 am - AZ
I think i would say i miss being able to eat more than 4 bites of something but mostley it would have to be a nice hamburger and fries from bun huggers.
Kerry M.
on 8/4/05 1:08 pm - Cleveland, TN
Wow... I must be bad...I drink Diet Pepsi (with lots of ice to cut out carbination), I eat pizza and french fries if I really want too (which is occassionaly). I just miss the amount of food I could eat. Sometimes, somethings just taste sooo darn good you don't want to stop. Kerry
Brandy H
on 8/5/05 1:08 am - Glendale, AZ
SOOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!! i am just not going to do it. i have noticed a big difference in the swelling of my feet now that i am off of the caffiene and just drinking tons of water. my skinnier shoes fit!!!! so i am trying to be "good" brandy
Stephanie J.
on 8/4/05 1:42 pm - Tucson, AZ
I'm almost a year and a half out, so I really don't miss much in the way of foods. I can now tolerate a little bit of each of the things that you've all mentioned missing. I can even eat the filet mignon that I pined for over a year. And amazingly enough, you get so you don't miss the humongous portions you used to be able to eat. I look at people eating "normal" American portions or go to restaurants like Claim Jumper, where the portions are huge and feel a little repulsed. I can take as much joy in ten bites as the others get in 40 now. Forgive me for bringing it up, but what I DO miss is having bowel function that I can depend on. I had to literally run into my house after driving home from sushi with an abdominal ache to beat the band last night for a little bout with diahrea. Barely made it. And that's going from being constipated two days ago! Sometimes I still get pretty bad abdominal pain without even having a reason too. Goes away as quickly as it comes on, but boy oh boy, some kind of pain. - Stephanie J
on 8/5/05 1:17 pm - Mesa, AZ
I guess what I miss the most is....... eating a complete hamburger. I can eat about 2 small bites, then that is enough. I am right at 6 months post op, and have lost about 86 pounds, and I can pretty much eat anything. I do drink diet coke, and I don't have to let it go flat. I just try and eat high protein foods, and stay away from the junk. Sometimes I do have small cravings, so I let myself have a bite or 2 of whatever it is, that way I don't over indulge myself. Laura C.
Sandy in Tucson
on 8/5/05 2:10 pm - Tucson, AZ
I miss little of my old eating habits. They sucked. I ate nothing that was good for me. I am a happier, nicer person since I got off all those bad foods. By the way...I just went to Dr. Simpson's seminar in Phx last Friday. And he says carbonated drinks are a no no-no no. Why? Because they push the food through the pouch to fast...and you do not loose as well and gain weight evently from drinking them. Carbonated drinks are the worst thing you can do to undermind this surgery according to him. Sandy in Tucson
Stephanie J.
on 8/5/05 3:04 pm - Tucson, AZ
Although I break down and enjoy a Coke C2 every couple of days, I've also heard they're a big no-no, not just for wls patients, but for normal people. They just came out with a study showing that people who have acid reflux usually have soda consumption in common. I've been plagued with reflux for many years. The surgery lessened it considerably, but I always laugh when I read that I need to take Calcium Citrate in order to digest my calcium properly. I still have enough stomach acid to take care of that with the much cheaper Tums. The study found that 25 percent of adult Americans now have acid reflux. My chubby 8 year old daughter even has it already. I think hers is more weight related, but am going to monitor her to see if it happens more on the days she drinks a soda. - Stephanie J
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