Update on Fran

on 7/27/05 9:11 am - Glendale, AZ
Please be sure to post to her surgery support page so she knows we are thinking about her and rooting for her. http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/status.phtml?N=B1091053755 Fran came through surgery okay. She is in ICU because they are watching her blood platelets. They had been low. Post-op she was around 78,000 - Jody her daughter said that if her mom knew that she'd be up dancing the tango! But then her platlets dropped a bit later that night so she needed 3 transfusions of platelets. I'll be calling Jody in a bit to see how the day has gone and if Fran is out of ICU yet. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Fran is a trooper and is surrounded by love and support! Trisha -89 lbs
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