Cost of surgery.....
Mine was fully covered by insurance - it was $31K. Ask your surgeon if he can cut some costs for ya (but not good service
), and that you will be able to make small monthly payments to surgeon/hospital/insurance. Medical industry is good that way - they will totally accept payments!!
Glad they are paying 90%!! That's a LOT of it!!!

Reminder.... 10% is not based on what the hopital charges, but on the contracted amount between your Insurance and the Hospital.
Example: Hospital bills your insurance full price at $30,000.00. BUT, If they are a contracted provider with your insurance they have an agreement to accept a set amount for certain procedures. So say that the contracted amount is $10,000.00 for that procedure. Your 10% would be based on the $10,000.00 not the $30,000.00 And yes... it is marked up that high! Same goes with your Dr.
The balance is written off.
Hope this helps
Hi there
I had the surgery out-of-network and the billing department had the balance due at 4800.00 and they will accept payments. I have not seen the bill yet, it's still coming in slowly. So I will wait for a bill and then pay it off a little at a time. The doctors office will know what you will have to pay because the insurance company has to let them know what exactly they will pay. You will have to sign paperwork the morning of surgery that should tell you the amount you will owe. Hope this helps