behavior modification
hi everyone! just wondering if many people were recommended to do behavior modification therapy? it was suggested to me by dr. maxwell. i started my 4-6 week long "program" last week. yesterday was my second session.i have found it to be quite interesting and helped me pinpoint what and why my problematic behaviors are. it is so crazy how so much of our adult behaviors are due to childhood instances. it really makes me want to be a much better mom than my mother was! i don't want my daughter to EVER go through any of this! anyways, i probably have 2 weeks to go of behavior mod. then the therapist can sent my paperwork to my psychologist and then she should sign off on my psych stuff and then off to my surgeon and then to insurance. patience was never one of my forte's!
I didn't have to go through any behavior modification before Dr. Maxwell cleared me for surgery, but I probably needed it. I mean, who doesn't? We could all benefit from it. I'm glad you are going through it and it's helping you! That's great!! Keep us posted on your pre-op progress!! You'll be cleared for surgery in no time! Dr. Maxwell rocks!! I love her!
Dr. Maxwell also told me I need to go to counseling for this. Binge eating. Well, I went for the 1st time last week & the Counselor that I went to didn't understand why I needed to be there.
I tried to explain it to her, but she just didn't get it. Who are you going to & who is your insurance? I may need to switch. Thanks,

dr. maxwell asked me where i lived (glendale) and she gave me a list of counselors in my 'hood. i am going to dianne macpherson at 51st ave and bell. she obviously knew dr. maxwell and what i am going through. so far i am happy with her. if you are in my neighborhood let me know and i can get her number for you.
sure you can mention my name! when i first called her i got her voice mail also, i left a message in the a.m. and she called me back that afternoon. both times that i have been in there is no receptionist. i believe she takes her own appointments and she does all the blilling stuff. she was easier to get me in than the other counselor i was checking into. worth a try.
I voluntarily signed myself up for behavior modification therapy without any prompting from my surgeon or PCP. I wanted to make sure my mind was set straight to deal with this surgery. My therapist was fabulous, and I miss her bunches. (we moved here from Florida in January)
265/167/135 here I come!