for those who have had surgery
hello. happy april fools day! i have been wondering exactly how long everyone has taken off of work after surgery. this is one (of many) things that i am very nervous about. i am a self employed hairstylist and i am worried about taking time off and losing money/clients. but i don't plan on being dumb and going back too soon. i am just looking to see how long those who have had surgery have taken off for?
You're going to find that this varies greatly; especially depends on whether you're doing lap or open. I think the number I heard constantly was about 4-6 weeks, but some people went back to work within a week's time.
I personally took off 3 weeks; I would've taken more, but I didn't have enough vacation time saved up. What I did do when I went back was basically did half-days at work for about another 2-3 weeks. (I work in the admin. field.)
The effects of surgery and anesthesia can cause major fatigue, so try not to rush back too quickly.
Good luck!
Angie S.
RNY - open - 5/12/04

I was ready to go back to work about a week post-op! I felt great! Full of energy. No pain. No complications. However, on 3rd week, when I started soft-food/pureed foods, I had complications. I'm better now, but realize I have to make meals an event - sit at a table and eat one bite per minute and have no distractions (computer, tv, etc.) and also don't drink 1/2 hour before, during or 1/2 hour after a meal. That's helping.
You have a job where you are on your feet, so if I were you I wouldn't rush back to work. See how you feel. It is better for you to lose some money on a few clients than to wreck your body and land back in the hospital or something.
Everyone is different. See how you feel. Plan on 2 weeks, but take off another week if you need to or just work 2-3 hours a day at most on 3rd week - go back part-time. That way money comes in, but you are still resting your body for the most part.
Thank you all for posting. my surgeon says i will be having laproscopic RNY. i know i don't want to go back too soon. but i am just trying to get an idea of what other people did. good/news bad news about being self employed... i can take off as long as i want... come back part or full time whatever i want... but i don't get paid if i am not doing the hair. maybe i can plan on taking 2 weeks off then work for like 3 or 4 hours a day for the next couple of weeks. i realize that everyone is different. but to those who have had surgery do you think this is "doable"?
angie... i read your profile...we are close in age and sounds like close in pre surgery size...i was cracking up over the couldn't get in your car story" i probably would have keyed the truck next to me. (sorry to be so crass!... but he had it coming)

I had the RNY in November. I took 2 weeks off. When I went back on the third week. I worked about 5-6 hours per day and then by the end of the fourth week I was back to regular hours.
After 6 weeks I started to have really bad pains on my side. I was really tired and had to leave work early on several occacions. I ended up having to have my gallbladder removed 3 months post op. I now feel great and things are good!
Don't do to much to fast and go at a pace that is good for you. Get enough rest and the rewards will be great!
Hope this helps.