quick diet record panic
Hi everyone. I go tomorrow morning to meet with Dr. Juarez. All of a sudden got VERY nervous that I don't have adequate dieting records... please help. I am wondering what you have given to your surgeons as far as Dr. records. I have tried lots of diets but never officially "dr. supervised" please tell me the best way to portray this information? please help.
Hi Brandy,
I will be completely honest I did not have very much info in that respect, in writing (documented) my dr. was also Juarez, but as far as I know it all depends on what the requirements are for your insurance. I wish you all the luck just talk to them(@ Juarez office) and see what they think, they will tell you what you need to do
Hi Brandy! I know what you mean by feeling nervous before your initial meeting, I felt the same way. I was nervous thinking about my first meeting with the doctor and being disappointed that I wouldn't have all my documentation or somehow not being worthy of their time. I am seeing Dr. Fang, he is in the same office as Dr. Juarez and I think he is wonderful. So far their office has been extremely helpful and they do advise you on what information is needed. I started ahead of time collecting information and I really don't have much 'documented' weight loss attempts but evidently the information that I have provided must have been what they were looking for. Since I have diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol I also had to get clearance from my Cardiologist and my Pulmonary doctor. I also had to go through a sleep study to see if I had Sleep Apnea. These might be some things that you could also get a head start on?
I'm hoping to have surgery next month so who knows we may run into each other at their office.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate asking.
Good luck
Laura B
I see you are seeing Dr. Fang. He is a real nice guy.
I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Juarez did my RNY and Dr. Fang removed my gallbladder.
The cuts from Dr. Juarez surgery are tiny and have already started to fade (4 months post-op). The cuts from Dr. Fang are deep, wide and very ugly (1 month post-op). They are bumpy and kinda hurt if your cloths rub on them. Not sure if that is a concern for you. Just thought I share that with you.
I wish you the best of luck and success. Both Doctors have been great to me.
Hi Brandy;
I also had Dr. Juarez. Angelia was the one at the dr office that was concerned about my diet record history. I have Greatwest insurance. I guess it is up to the insurance requirements and the other documentations you provided Dr. Juarez office because, I got approved in 5 days of submittal. I did get all my medical records for the 10 years I did gain weight and I had talked to my pcp about my weight. So really is did prove my weight increase through the years and that I did talk to the dr about it.
You will be alright. Keep you head up.
Hope this helps,
o.k. I am over the panic. whew! thanks for the help. It's funny... for the last couple of weeks I just knew I was totally ready. Knew what time my appointment was, I knew I had my medical records, I knew I had my i's dotted and my t's crossed. And then... panic! What if? What if? What if? lol. Much better now!
My appointment went fine. Dr. Jaurez was very nice and he said that as soon as I get my behavior mod. out of the way they should be able to send my paperwork into insurance. I asked him if I were to finish up my behavior therapy in early May then how long approximately until I would I be having surgery?? and he said probably in June! Keeping my fingers crossed!

You can still meet with Dr. Juarez even if you have no records with you. I brought everything with me to my surgical consult (even OB/GYN records and ER visits LOL) and it didn't speed up the process any. It all depends on what insurance you have. If you have Aetna - ugh - you'll have to deal with Cyndy - who is a total ditz. (Sorry but that was my experience with her - see my profile for details)
They basically need copies of office visits that have your WEIGHT on them for the past 3-5 years (depending on insurance company). Also, if your insurance REQUIRES dr. supervised weight loss program and you haven't started, START NOW!! Call your PCP doctor tomorrow and tell him/her you need to be on a dr supervised weight loss program. If they don't have one, your dr can refer you to a doctor that does. All you have to pay is co-pays once a month when you go in and weigh.
Don't panic. Tomorrow's appointment will go fine!! Use valet parking - it's free and complimentary!! Parking there is a chore otherwise. Let us know how appointment goes. Mine was uneventful. But it's required for insurance. LOL
I am starting to have the same kind of panic! My insurance(Banner) doesn't cover the OR until I've been on it for 24 months, which is May 1. So, I made the appt with Dr Juarez for the 6th. I have only been seeing this PCP for four months, and I make sure I go every month and we talk about weight loss, so he puts it in his notes. Hope this counts as a weight loss program, he seems to know better than to try and give me a "diet", obviously those haven't worked for me for the last 30 years...
I do have medical records for the last 10 years, however, from other docs who will have recorded my weight, so I hope all this will count.
I finally got somebody at my insurance company who seems to know what she's talking about, the rest have been really ditzy, they seem about 12 years old.
Happy Easter, everybody!