This board is flatlining!!! 1-2-3 - CHARGE!!!!!! Wake up everyone!!! Wake up!!
This board was buzzing and busy for a few weeks and now - nothing.
C'mon, everyone, post!! Let us know that we aren't alone! C'mon, even if it's just venting your frustration of getting approved or maybe you aren't losing as much as you wanted or maybe you are just bored. POST!! Let's get this board moving!!!

Ok here you go Tri****hink insurance has got to be the stupidist thing in the universe. Here we want to save our life and get off the crappy medication were on and pray that we dont have a stinking heart attack in the process and these idiots denie you. YOu would think they would be more for it since most people get rid of their co-morbidities and become healthier but no they are a bunch of sick freaks that want to keep us miserable and fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for listening Brenda
Hi Trisha !
I must admit that I have been a bit discouraged of late. My process is moving along, but I wi**** would move along more quickly. From all the posts I have read, many folks get to feeling the same way.
The last few weeks, I've been lurking and reading posts. And you're right, things have slowed down quite a bit at our little message board.
Thank you for encouraging us all to post more!
Valerie in Scottsdale