I quit my job today!!!!

on 2/23/05 12:46 pm - Glendale, AZ
I've worked for this company for 5 1/2 years, and gave my two week notice today. 6 weeks BEFORE my operation, mind you. But I'll pay for COBRA to cover my operation - not worried about that. Basically my boss did something today that was the "straw that broke the camel's back" and instead of arguing with her about it or be miserable about it, I decided to give my notice. I love my job, but my boss is a very unstable manager, and her decisions change with the wind. What's okay one day is not okay the next. She is threatened by me for some reason - maybe it's because I have a degree and she doesn't or who knows what, but she has been less-flexible and less-trusting of me for the past 6 months and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Not sure if it's my weight or because I'm creative or because I have a degree or what. But for months she's just been weird towards me. I've talked with my family and friends about it these last few months when things have happened and they can't believe that I would be treated that way - weird situations, long story, but just things that come up. Finally, I had enough. I can work temp until I get another job. I have no worries about that. I just worry about insurance, etc. But I'm in God's hands and I trust Him. Still......I've never quit a job before without having another job, and I've been at my current job for over 5 years. On one hand I'm like what am I doing, but on the other hand, I can't take it any more. I've always been of the belief that if you no longer look forward to going to work or you dont' like your job, boss, situation, get out of it. LIfe is too short to be miserable, ya know? Still, I am kind of in shock about the whole thing. So is my boss. In fact, she is livid about it. I am a GREAT employee and I have always gone above and beyond in my job. So me leaving is quite a shock. Anyway, just 3 days ago I got my surgery date and today I quit my job. LOL Well, I didn't quit today - I gave a two week notice. My stomach is still in knots about it. Any words of encouragement out there?
Randi D.
on 2/23/05 11:30 pm - Peoria, AZ
Trisha, My company is hiring. Email me for details. Randi PS-They cover wls surgery.
on 2/24/05 2:05 am - TUCSON, AZ
Good for you!! I actually had to do the exact same thing. I quit my job about 6 weeks b4 surgery as well, COBRA coverage and everything went fine!! You will find something as Phoenix has a lot out there as i just moved from there in August. Good Luck and hang in there !!
Kim R.
on 2/24/05 5:15 am - Peoria, AZ
Trisha, Don't worry, seems like you have everything under control. It always works out, trust me. You will probably end up with a job and people you absolutely love. Things happen for a reason, I truly believe that. Hang in there and keep us posted. Kim R/az
on 2/25/05 1:35 am - Phoenix, AZ
Good for you. You are already taking the steps to a better life. Standing up for yourself is just one those things! My advice to you is this: DO NOT LET YOUR COBRA lapse until you have a new job and new ins. I know it will be costly, but you do not want to find yourself without insurance after the surgery, as you can get dinged for pre existing if you have that lapse. Good luck to you!!! Its an amazing journey! Erica 4 yrs, & 3 mo post op! -155 lbs.
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