on 7/29/04 10:15 am - Mesa, AZ
anyone else have problems with ulcers in their new pouch? mine started a few days after surgery, 3 weeks, another surgery, endoscopy and 2 er visits later i was finally on meds, and it seemed like they cleared up after 2 months. now i am sick as a dog again, and they suspect they are back. anyone have these and have successful treatment? any info would be greatly appreciated!
Wendy T.
on 7/29/04 11:07 am - Apache Junction, AZ
Hi Katie, It was nice meeting you last night. Did you call Dr. Fang today? I think you should be scoped again. Are you still spiking a temp. at night? I know there are a couple on the main message board that have had ulcer issues. One is Shiela Johnson I believe and the other is Patti B. If my memory serves me correctly, Patti is 3 years post op. and has had problems with ulcers since surgery. I haven't seen Patti post lately but sometimes she is lurking. I sure hope you feel better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and Prayers. and Take Care, Wendy T.
on 7/30/04 8:56 am - Mesa, AZ
Wendy, It was great meeting you at the meeting! I'm sorry if I took over the meeting at the end...didn't mean to! lol. Yes, still spiking fevers. Went to see my pcp today, he ordered all sorts of tests...said if nothing showed from them, he was sending me to a GI doc and an infectious disease doc next week. oh joy!! thanks for thinking of me. i really appreciate you! Katie K
on 7/30/04 12:22 am - Gilbert, AZ
Katie - it was great meeting you at the support meeting. Jeannie Granata is someone who has had some serious issues with ulcers too. She did not realize that was what her problem was for a while and ended up in the hospital with all sorts of problems. She usually hangs out on the Over Fifty Forum board and she is new to Arizona from California. This is her profile link http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/profile.phtml?N=G1053724653 Sandra
on 7/30/04 9:04 am - Mesa, AZ
it was great meeting you too! Thanks for the link...i'll be sure to message her. Thank you so much for the lemonade protein...it's awesome!
on 7/30/04 9:44 am - Gilbert, AZ
I am glad you like it. I did not care for it enough to work my way through the jar. I hope you get some resolution on how you are feeling soon too. I hate it when the medical community is non-responsive and we are sick. Not fun at all. Sandra
on 7/30/04 8:05 pm - VAIL, AZ
hi katie, i had the same problem i got an ulcer 3 weeks post op and it ruptured my pouch, this was in march, i am now on protonix and that seems to have helped... i hope things get better for you. Mia Feb. 13, 2004 down 80lbs
on 8/1/04 1:11 pm
Hi Katie, I am 12 months postop and I have had ulcers from very early on but didn't know it. I just moved to Arizona on June 1. I checked out this board in May and June and it was D-E-A-D. Wow it has changed. On July 1 I discovered I was bleeding internally and went to St. Lukes. My rny was performed in CA. Dr. Altman scoped me both ends and the anastomatic ulcers, 2 of them had bled profusely and I needed transfusions. I was in the hospital for 3 days waiting for my blood count to rise enough to cut me loose. I came home on Prevacid daily, which is supposed to heal the ulcer. I also take Carafate Suspension 4 times a day to coat, sooth and heal. The medication regime is working really well. At about 3-4 weeks postop I had a terrible time with my pouch. It was just very very cranky and crabby all the time. My surgeon (in CA) prescribed Carafate for me then too. I used maybe 1/2 bottle and all was well .... I thought. Now I know I have had these since very very early on. Dr. Altman explained it to me that some of us still produce acid in our pouches though most don't. They at the hospital also told me that they see this quite a bit; it is pretty common. I found that to be disturbing news...as my risks and benefits page said nothing about "pretty common".... Anyway, I have had a terrible time eating for 12 months. I do not eat as much as most 12 month postops. The pain prevented it, and as a result of the pain was fear....which my squirrel brain turned into anorexia. Giddy up! But that is all over now and I am healthy and happy and somewhat of sound mind. LOL In June my boxers pulled me down in the desert chasing jackrabbits (goofy Californian..I have since learned to NOT take the boxers with me on my walks) and I landed on my sternum...ouch. I thought I was having sternum pain...NOT. I was having ulcers that were getting ready to ulcerate and bleed. But thinking it was the sternum from the "boxer" fall...I didn't seek medical attention. I started getting dizzy and found the blood and realized it was not sternum pain. It felt like a gnawing and chewing inside. It hurt like hell. Now on the Prevacid and the Carafate Suspension...after transfusions I am still anemic...but feeling pretty danged good. I am a trifle concerned for my future as they gave me a standing Rx for the ER for transfusions. YIKES - you mean this could happen again - yes and you could bleed to death so get in here....yes sir. That is my story and I'm stickin' to it..... e me if you have any further questions. Thanks Sandra for passing my name along, Judy posted to the OFF board and told me to come over here...ulcer alert! You two are too cool... Jeannie
Mary Jo C.
on 4/6/07 3:00 am - Phoenix, AZ
It's been YEARS since you posted your ulcer story, but I was wondering how you are doing now? I, too, was diagnosed with a pretty bad ulcer 6 weeks out of surgery. I started having the "sternum" pain and severe back pain. I didn't feel as though my pain was being taken too seriously by ER or my surgeon, but I am now on carafate and protonix. I still hurt, but it isn't nearly as often. Are you, or were you a smoker? My doc is blaming smoking (I took it back up again about 10 days after the pain onset as a stress reducer because I was in constant agony....bleh). You have a wonderful sense of humor! I hope all is well for you. Reply if you can :0) Mary Jo
on 4/6/07 10:19 am
Hi Mary Jo, Imagine my surprise when I found a message in my In Box from Obesity Help years after this post! Wow. They are good at OH aren't they? I am doing great. I am steady at a size 10/12 and no more ulcer problems at all. I still take Carafate now and then if I tend to get just an inkling but no more "sternum" pain, and no more bleeding. I think I've healed.....but I'm careful anyway. No, I was not a smoker and remain a non-smoker. I figured if I could give up 1/2-pound bacon and tomatoe sandwiches with extra mayo on white bread, I sure could live without smoking!! I did however have a couple of short bouts of trying to drink that did tend to irritate my pouch. I have stopped that idiotic behavior and have accepted my powerlessness over all addictive substances, especially and including food. I do not drink, I do not eat (more than I need to stay alive) and I do not do any drugs; I do not shop or spend money compulsively or obsessively. In the 4 years since my surgery I do admittedly report I've cross addicted to everything, everyone and anything to try to ease the emotions life can and does bring on a daily basis......now however I just feel it and move on.....life is good and I am healthy and far more balanced than I ever dreamed possible. Go figure........ Thanks for the compliment. Hang in there and hopefully you will have no more "pain" from the ulcer. Jeannie
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