I'm Back
Well finally after 5 months I am back on line and trying to get our life's back to normal. It was tough while my husband was finishing school and starting a new job. I never got my surgery 4 Days was so close and ripped out from under me. I have been fighting with the Military for 5 months and they just keep sending me from one person to the next. I finally got on line Yesturday and I came here and found Gary the Obesity Lawyer I called him and he called back today.
He said I had a case and he's going after them. It's been so horrible to tell me yes and then take it away from 4 days before my surgery. My only last resorce was to start sending email's to National news papers. and to the senate and congress members. I was so supportive of the military and stood behind them, I still do for the men and women serving but the CO's and Commander's Hire up's I am pissed at love to blame those in lower ranks or sweep you under the carpet.
Well thanks for letting me vent. Teresa
Welcolme back. (I'm new here). That is HORRIBLE that your insurance would do that FOUR days before surgery. My gosh!! That is pure evil! I can't imagine the emotional drop you had. Ugh. I hope things get worked out. You DEFINITELY have a case. Write EVERY paper and get the word out. This is not right!
Trisha in Glendale