My first Frothing episode!!
Ok folks, it's official. Never never never do anything to cause yourself to do this frothing thing. It totally sucks. I think maybe I am not getting enough water or maybe it was because I had just finished an argument with the hubby. I don't know but since 3 o'clock this afternoon (it's 7:30 now) I have been throwing up and spitting up this frothy junk. I can't even keep down water. I tried peppermint tea, nope!
Anyone have any ideas on how to get it to stop.
Hey hon, not trying to scare you, but my angel Patti Harrada had this happen, and she has now gone through 2 stricture dialations, so just kinda keep that tucked in the back of your head, ok?
If you can't even keep WATER down, get it checked out.
HUGS TO YOU, my dear!!
post op 11/21, down 32 pounds and with 2.4% less boddy fat than last month!! (YEA CURVES!!)
Mich, thanks so much, I am much better today. The water is staying down and not making me nauseaus. No more throwing up. I think I was just stressed out and was not getting enough water. Speaking of Patti,
We haven't heard from her. Is she still going frantic with classes and all? 2 dilations? WOW. Send her my best.