Need demographics, how far is Scotsdale from Phoenix and how far is Mesa from Scotsdale. I got a map of Arizona cause some lady gave me directions to get to Phoenix from Albuquerque NM, she told me to go south to Socorro NM and cut west to Showlow and then to Payson south to Mesa. Common sense and the map tells me to go west to Gallup then to Flagstaff and south to Phoenix. Anyone have any ideas.
Coming into the metro area via Payson is very scenic (we prefer that route). You will end up coming in by Fountain Hills and you can go up into Scottsdale via Shea Blvd (turn right at 87 and Shea Blvd which is the entrance into Fountain Hills area) to the south of you is Mesa. Shea Blvd will also connect up with the 101. Is your clinic in Scottsdale? Mayo Clinic? Check out to get a better idea. If you are coming down 17 from Flagstaff you should be able to catch the 101 and reach Scottsdale (to the east) with it.