Date Change from 2/11 to 2/19
Hello folks...
Nothing urgent here, just an attempt to whittle away the time, keeping in touch and reading about you all. You really ARE inspiring, you know! ;)
Rough week last week. Surgery date was changed and set back 8 days from 2/11 to 2/19. That's "do-able", but I was also notified at this late date about needing "cardiac clearance". I dont fear getting that, its just that notice for something so important is just now being delivered! I have an appt with my cardio on the 23rd. Can anyone tell me what tests "cardiac clearance" involves?
A little issue with insurance coverage reared its head last week too, so, to be sure, this journey is not for the faint-hearted. I'm turning into a little bull-dog over this matter and will NOT let loose of the good things that are ahead!
Godspeed to us all on our journeys to a new, THINNER, life!