One month post op appt.

(deactivated member)
on 12/17/03 11:45 pm - El Mirage, AZ
Well, yesterday I went for my one-month post-op appt. I arrived @ 9:07 for my 9:30 appt., and there I sat until nearly 11! (I knew they were running behind, but by 10:30, one HAS to wonder!!) Here they never pulled my file to signify that I was there! OH WELL! I met with Melissa who looked over my incisions, which have healed really nicely. The only one I think will always be there, as far as scaring is the larger drain one. They'll still itch a lot though. Drives me nuts! She was very pleased with how I've healed. My upper tummy is still kind of swollen and puffy. She said that could still take some time yet, as my muscles are still healing. I got on their handy-dandy magical scale and lo and behold, I'm down 20 pounds, in less than a month! It was almost surreal. I was 239 @ the hospital, which was surprisingly LESS than when I went in. (I didn't gain ANY fluids, but rather LOST them instead, which I was amazed at) In all actuality, I'm down 27 pounds since I began this journey!! I weighed in 219 yesterday!!! Protein level was what within the range they'd like me at, considering how LITTLE I can take in. (@ a 17) All my other labs looked great. My triglycerides prior to surgery were like 166 (which was still OK) and are now 106! YEA ME! I knew I had lost weight, but not having a scale, I didn't know the amount. I know my rings are too big on my ring fingers now, and I had to move them over to my index finger. My face is thinner; my collarbone area feels less "squishy" Still, I look @ "other" areas and think, "Where the HELL did that 20 pounds come from? I sure don't see it HERE!" LOL We are our own worst critics! I was cleared for "normal" foods. I was honest with her and said I had already crossed that line a few times. I just couldn't fathom one more bite of yogurt, cottage cheese OR refried beans. YUCK. I had chili a week or 2 ago, and it was awesome. I don't have ANY issues with food. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Still have the head to tummy issues. For example, the wonderful quiches I buy @ Trader Joe's. (avoid the crust, they are NOT low fat quiches!!) They are NOT big. Heck, it would have been a appetizer NOW...they last me 4 meals. The head just "doesn't get it". It says to me "Aww, come on..look at it, it's NOT could have eaten that before...GO FOR IT"! Tummy says "Umm, NO YOU WILL NOT eat all of that! Think of it as a gourmet'll have MORE for later". GEEZ, I wish they'd get on the same As I was driving back to work from Scottsdale yesterday, singing along to "Shout to the Lord", it all just "hit me". The whole thing. This is just SUCH a miracle. I was so choked up, I could hardly sing. I am SOO thankful, and blessed. It was ONLY God that got me through this journey. I am going to check out the Curves that is literally, just outside our subdivision. Can it BE any more convenient? LOL Just a ½ hour, 4 times a week, and I'll be kicking butt in no time. UGH...I'm so happy I can't hardly stand it!! ~Mich
Tanya T.
on 12/18/03 2:42 am - mesa, az
Mich, Congrats on the progress...and just imagine we have only just begun. I am now down a happy 39 pounds and my two month is on Dec 24th. We are sooo very blessed. Tanya T
Tamara T.
on 12/18/03 4:02 am - Claypool, AZ
Way to go Mich. So happy for you. I went for my pre op class yesterday and met Cindy. I kept looking at her and told her she looked familiar and she asked me if I was online here. It was so very nice to actually meet someone in person. I did meet one of the ladies that will be having surgery the same day as me her name is Bobbi Thomas and she is just a hoot!!!! We will definitely be terrorizing the halls together causing as much trouble as we possibly can. I sure hope that I don't have any food issues afterwards. Take care and keep us informed. Tammy
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/03 5:41 am - El Mirage, AZ
lmao, and I met Judy Balaza and Ashley H...LOL It was SOO great!!
Kim R.
on 12/18/03 5:48 am - Peoria, AZ
Congrats Michelle! You are doing fantastic. Keep us posted on your successes! I am a pre-op, recently submitted for approval and biting at the bit for news! Keep up the good work! Kim Richards
on 12/18/03 10:53 am - Somewhere in, AZ
Congratulation Michelle! I'm a Blackstone post op also. Going for my 8th month follow up. Her office sounds kinda hectic by your having to wait that long. I didn't receive a reminder call on my answering machine from their office today. Hope I don't have to wait that long! Have a nail appointment. You said Curves. By Best Buy on Litchfield?? I'm going to join after the New Year. Getting tired of waiting for the new YMCA to be built. Their not breaking ground until the new year!! But I have to start being diligient in strength training. Hope to see you at Denny's on the 9th for the group meeting. Suzanne (4/14/03 -150)
(deactivated member)
on 12/18/03 11:15 am - El Mirage, AZ
no, we have a brand new Curves on Thunderbird in El Mirage. Literally about 3 blocks over from me!
on 12/18/03 12:04 pm - Glendale, AZ
Michelle, I am just so proud of you. You roc****ep up the great work. Love, Connie
on 12/18/03 12:31 pm - Mesa, az
You are doing so good, I am so happy for you. Remember, keep walking and sipping your water. Chew, chew and chew your food some more, and take care of yourself. Cindy
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