Update on Patti Harada
Connie and I visited Patti today. She was a bit ferverish,
and was MUCH more groggy and out of it today than yesterday, I think moreso due to morphiene. I thought the poor gal was going to go nose first a few times, when she would dose off.
She had her leak test today with no problems or complaints. She stated it was bitter, but nothing horrible. Her friend Shelly is VERY vigilant AND adamant about her "breathing" and walking like we all know we have to do.
What a good friend Patti has in her, as well as her daughter, who is right there with her.
We took a walk with her and she did fantastic. One lap around, went back to rest, suck on a few ice chips (aka HEAVEN) dosed a bit, and then Shelly had back on that spiromoeter....LOL.
She'll be going home tomomorrow!