UP and Down the Hill
ooooOOOoooooo good question. I had been wondering the same thing.
Speaking of the altitude change, I'm also hoping (I'm sure they will
) that they will allow me to do all my pre-op testing up here (in Flag) because I can run circles in the valley as compared to what I can do at 7000 ft. I always feel like a super chick when I'm down there.
I'm sure its stupid to think that they wouldn't think of that though, eh?
Rebecca and Victoria,
Debra from Flagstaff had open roux en y a month or so ago in Phoenix. She's doing very well. She said to pass along her e-mail address and for you to feel free to contact her with any questions.
[email protected]
She's been great about e-mailing me and letting me know what to expect. Please feel free to contact her.