Nuerologist wants me to postpone my surgery
Got the bad news yesterday. My MRI/w contrast came out normal (ruled out tumor) so the nuerologist says he is sure I had a mini-stroke. Now he wants to do a lumbar puncture to find out why. He told me not to have the surgery yet. I am/was scheduled for Nov. 6th. This bites. Trying to stay positive but it is not easy.

I'm so glad that you don't have a tumor, but how frustrating to have surgery postponed. It really is better to make sure that everything is OK before heading into major surgery, but I can see how it would drive you nuts to be so close and have it postponed. Good luck and I'll be praying for you.
Oh, Barbara! What a frightening thing you're dealing with. Your doctor is right, of course. You don't dare risk a blood clot when there's already a chance that you're at risk. I'm so sorry. I am scheduled for the next day, in fact. I could have had the 6th, but decided to go with the Friday appointment.
Please stay in touch and let us know what happens!
Patti in Tucson