I should know
HI all...
Well, all my external review stuff was sent out (faxed, they tell me) on Friday, the 10th. I'll tell you, this process has put me through the wringer, and I am about SPENT...lol. Something went wrong, somewhere in my file. Once I figure it out, they are going DOWN, baby!
I think they think that last time I submitted, was in July, but that isn't true! (I was denied in July, pending the completion of my diet, which I completed in Sept.!) I re-submitted on Sept. 17th. again, after completing my diet, and was AGAIN denied!! I have NO REASON or letter to tell me WHY. All I got was a voicemail from here on Sept. 30th, the day I was denied. When I asked for a copy of my denial letter, they were shocked that I hadn't rec'd it, as they sent it certified. Well, I sure as heck didn't sign for it!!
So, they re-fax it to me. Guess what, it was the SAME copy I got back in JULY!!! I called her, said "I HAVE THAT ONE!", Now where is the SEPT. denial letter"? When I asked Diana Meyers, (CIGNA Nat'l Appeals), she said I won't be getting it (the letter). That the ticket to send it out in the mail was "voided" in their system. HMM...I smell a a rat..
Needless to say, I went over their head again, in attempts to get some answers, as per THEIR policy, I have the right to ALL paperwork about me, and my case.
They HAVE to send out these letters!
This has been a very loooong journey. Hoping for a positive outcome, but with Cigna, you shouldn't hold your breath!
More in my profile, if you want the full scoop. ~Michelle