I'm DENIED. All I got was a voicemail @ 10:38 today. She never said why, and she never returned my call.
Choking back tears as I write this. If it weren't for it being my husbands 40th b-day, I'd lock myself in a room and bawl my eyes out.
Now I deal with an external review, supposedly FREE of Cigna. I'm not so sure I believe that. (*sigh* another appeal letter to and another appeal process to wait through)
Waiting to hear what the process is for BCBS, if anyone in Dr. B's office would ever be IN long enough for me to ask a question or return my calls. I think I'm driving there after work tomorrow with all my paperwork. Heck, all they have to do is fax the damn thing. I'm tired of all the phone tags and "leave a message" with no call backs. I feel so alone, and feel like I'm fighting the world by myself, with no one to turn to for help. (The SBC is too busy, my Dr. no longer practices with Cigna, I mean COME ON!!) SORRY, BUT GOD, I'm so, I'm just SOOOO angry right now.
I DO appreciate your prayers...keep them coming, I need them more than ever right now.
Depressed....sad, beaten down, defeated...worn out, and just plain HATING Cigna
azsunflowers B.
on 10/2/03 10:14 am
on 10/2/03 10:14 am
Hello. I know the felling... I was denied today. The nurse at Cigna suggested to me that i Get on Jenny Craigs program asap, since the surgery no longer is an option. They recvd my paperwork on 9-24 and on the same day I was denied... I am so discouraged, but my determination to have this surgery is so grand that I have put on my boxing gloves and am prepared to fight..... Good luck...