Hello.....Anyone else in the West Valley?
I am in the West Valley (Phoenix) for those that don't know. I am interested in meeting other folks that are researching, considering, have decided, are pre-op or post -op.
I started this journey the beginning of the year...what an experience it is. I have my initial physician consultation with Dr. Blackstone on June 10th...I'm pretty excited about it.
I am hoping my insurance doesn't give me grief...yes its...dare I say...Cigna HMO
...the one that is purported to refuse everyone...well we shall see...

Donna~ Hi! I'm in the west valley too. My surgery is June 9th with Dr. Blackstone......You will be extremely happy with her and her team .The VIP hospital rooms that we get to stay in are an added bonus that I'm looking forward to.
Cigna is a B**** I have nothing nice to say about them, at all.Good luck to you and I'll be sending good wishes your way!

Donna~ I just read your profile and it is true that cigna has changed their requirements regarding supervised diets,You do need to have two 26 week diets under your belt. Cigna menber servives will tell you that it hasn't changed.I don't know if it's because they are totally clueless or they have been instructed to do that.
Hello Donna, I also live in the West Valley, Surprise to be exact. I just wanted to say that all of the grief you have to go through now is well worth the joy you will experience after surgery! It seems as if the day will never come, but before you know it, it will be upon you. I am now nearly 2 months post and I am thankful each and every day for my decision. I was fortunate enough to have Humana, but I have heard some stories about Cigna, I really wish you only the very best and good luck. Also, if you ever need to talk, vent or anything please feel free to email me. Perhaps we can exchange phone numbers. Good luck and God bless!
Donna, I'm in El Mirage. And I hate to burst your bubble, but yes, CIGNA DOES suck so brace yourself for a bumpy ride.
I just sent out my appeal letter and I KNOW they rec'd it on this past Tuesday as it was sent certified. They have 30 days.
I HIGHLY recommend you get yourself a 3 rings binder and/or a notebook. ANYTIME you call Cigna, notate it. EVERYTHING....what was said, WHO said it, et****ep ALL my WLS info in my binder. Copies of everything I sent, copies rec'd...etc.
The thing that irritates me, and HEY, try it for yourself, is that I called them TWICE, and asked what the requirements were. There was NO mention of 26 weeks of dieting, and YES, this was after Jan 1 , '03. So, I was careful to take down names of who it was I spoke too, as well as the date and time.
It's MY belief that if you put a 800 number on the back on an insurance card, that they damn well better know the answers to the questions were are asking. Don't you think? I mean, isn't that WHY we call them?? So, I def. included that in my appeal letter, as well as stating since becoming a member on Oct 1, 2001, there was no such requirement for DOCUMENTS (weigh****chers books, etc) so I did not save them.
All I can do is wait.......(and not kill someone LOL, j/k...REALLY!!!)
Well, I'm sooooo glad that you all responded. Its exciting to have others to talk to about this. I know Cigna is a bear....that is why I have documented EVERYTHING, every name I have spoken to the date and time.. I was told on April 29th by a state government Cigna Rep and the Customer service rep AND two doctors that the requirements had NOT changed. Thanks to a lovely lady named Tanya who I met thru this web site she had given me so much help in preparing for "Cigna" Also, I don't see how cigna can deny their own diet nutritionist for over 2 years. A Medical Dr. who specializes in weight issues...Dr. Lupa. My medical file is page after page of diet attempts over the last 15 years....most have been in the past 5.
But who knows, if it means hiring an attorney to hold Cigna's feet to the fire I will certainly do that. Also I find it interesting that any and I mean any type of reconstructive surgery after WLS is completely excluded. Simply amazing.
Apart from all the above, its GREAT to hear from you all....if I can do anything or be of any assistance, my email is [email protected] drop me a line

Hi Donna,
I'm in Glendale, but just barely. I'm going to Dr. Blackstone's seminar this coming Sunday. It took me almost 3 months just to get a seat in the seminar. I'll be really anxious to hear how your appointment on the 10th goes.
I'm trying to get all of my stuff together, but it's not as easy as I thought. I used to be insured through Intergroup and Thomas Davis Medical Centers. Thomas Davis closed several years ago and I can't get my medical records for any time prior to the last couple of years. I now have Cigna and haven't gotten the same answer twice out of any of the people there.
I'm worried about the 26 week thing that I did not know about before tonight.
Is there any information on the MMPI psych eval that you have to take?
Good luck on the 10th!
Hi Donna
I'm in Laveen, AZ. It took me 3 years to come to the decision to have this surgery. Now that I have made the decision United HealthCare denied me. Because of out of network benefits. I am in the process of appealing. But if I have to self pay I will. It will just take a little longer for the surgery to happen.
Hi there, I'm in the NE valley but just went to a newly formed Westside support group meeting. Pre-ops, post-ops, family members, it's for everyone. It is held at the YMCA Senior/Adult Center on 61st Avenue, just south of Olive on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. I really enjoyed the meeting last night and it was small enough that there was a lot of dialogue. Maybe you can come sometime! I wish you all the best with your journey!