on 5/6/09 7:49 am, edited 5/6/09 7:52 am - St. George, UT

Hi Joyce:

Well my time is quickly approaching....And yes, I'm a little scared...Been through this a time or two, but Man O Man I'm "54" this time not 34 or 24...

Anyhow, I wanted to catch up with you and ask you if  by chance you would be having any meetings while I'm recovering in Arizona? I would love to attend one of your Support Meetings if things go good and I'm feeling up to it...I hope to be back in my hotel by the 24th...You are such an inspiration to soooo many on these boards. I have probably read every thread you ever posted and I put so much credibility in what you write.

I was very ignorant about the importance of Group Support after my first surgery...There wasn't any, where I lived anyway, but I could have started something. My second surgery by that time I knew how important support was and I attended meetings and I believe it is what helped me for so long. In Utah there aren't any groups here that I know of...One in Cedar but that's to far to drive. So I may have to start one here.

I've started my Pre-Op Liquid Diet....Yuck! Not happy about you have any good suggestions on drinks.

I need pointers and probably  a lot of help to get something going here in ole UTAH...although they just now are doing important it is to keep motivated with any WLS!

Looking forward to meeting you girlfriend....



on 5/6/09 1:15 pm - Layton, UT
Woo Hoooo Janie!  Just think of that pre-op as bridge between the you that you are unhappy with and the you that you have the potential to become!  Chug a lug oodles of protein (push over 200 grams if possible) so you sail through surgery and recover nicely!

My favorites:  Champion Pure Whey Stack Banana Scream.....plain with water or in the Magic Bullett with a few frozen strawberries and blueberries.  Matrix chocolate as a hot chocolate drink and a shot of sugar free caramel or sugar free peppermint.  Nectar's Fuzzy Navel (tastes like a Sunny D), Unjury chicken soup flavor stirred in with warmed up V8 juice is yummy.....flavorless is good in anything:  broth, Crystal Light, yogurt, pudding, etc.

I'm planning on being at the hospital on your surgery day to peek in on you if that's alright?  I can sit with your hubby or pop in when you're back to your room.  ....  As far as support groups while you're here?  If there isn't one then we'll just throw together one just for you:-) 

All will be well for you friend!  No worries!

on 5/7/09 1:18 am - St. George, UT
Your such a sweetheart Joyce...By all means please come see us....I've told my husband all about you...Even though I've never met you in person...I feel like I know you so well...

I appreciate your support and I look forward to meeting all of you...

I'm going to try a couple of the proteins you suggested...

Hugs back to ya!

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