This morning I'm blessed! Dr. mazaheri, my hubby and my girls!

on 11/10/08 4:30 pm, edited 11/10/08 5:11 pm - AZ
Okay, SO I try not to get tooo personal on this site, However.....
I had a visit with Dr. Mazaheri last morning. The man is WONDERFUL. I have spoke with many Plastic   Doctors. I can tell you I am pleased 110%. The man talked me out of fake boobs! lol I know what I want and I wanted BIG WONDERFUL Breast!.  Fake BIG WONDERFUL BREAST! lol I will be getting a lift. This man Is wonderful. He spent time with me. Talked with me. He  heard what I had to say. My hubby..... WOW. What a man. I have lost 113 pounds. he has been here for all of it. Today in the office I looked at my hubby with new eyes. He loves me. You guys he really loves me.  I shared with him the most embarrassing moment's ever and all he could do was smile and tell me that we would find a way to get the lift and tummy done. ( I'm a stay at home mommy that home schools).  We  have one income. We budget tightly.  You know, he is right Heavenly Father blessed us with my WLS. We were able to play in full ALL my WLS. We are poor people! One income. I know I was placed on this earth for something more then what I'm doing now. Dr. Mazaheri was so wonderful with me. I know he will get all my skin issues taken care of. I know my Steve will stand by my side. I know we will be able to pay for this some how. This next week hold so many questions. Only one answer. Dr. Mazaheri.

If you are wanting augmentation CALL HIM! Joice is a wonderful person and will help you get thru anything. What a wonderful person!

I'm 113 pound lighter. I feel different. I have had up's and downs but in the end I KNOW I DID WHAT WAS RIGHT. Dr. Mazhaeri is my next step. Somehow I will get then in the next few weeks. My 7 year ols old is the best. I do not keep anything from her and she kow's itl

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

Nita S.
on 11/10/08 11:20 pm - Avondale, AZ
How awesome for you!!!  Aren't husbands wonderful?  I know that if God has His hand on it, it will happen, and it sure sounds to me that He is right there for you.  My prayers for the outcome you desire. 

Revision 11/06/2008


on 11/11/08 1:02 pm - AZ
 Thanks for the kind thoughts. I would not know what to do without my  Stevie. He has been my rock. My best friend in the whole world. Thank you so for the prayers! We all need them.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 11/11/08 1:44 am - AZ

You are in the best hands Dr. Mazaheri is the absolute best and Terry is pretty wonderful to.



on 11/11/08 12:57 pm - AZ

Thank you for the kind words! You have had work done by him? Terry is a sweetie!

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 11/11/08 8:10 am - Layton, UT

Shannon!  You are delightful!  It was such a pleasure to see your supporting hubby truly WANT you to be happy and feel lovely in your own skin!  You have definitely got some big reasons to be counting your blessings publicly!  i.e. successful weight loss, handsome/loving dude, 2 gorgeous and very well mannered daughters and a GREAT attitude! 

I can't wait to see you through your Mazaheri Magical journey!

Cyber hugggzzz to you and you family! 

p.s........sooooo....I just have to tell you a very sweet story since we're getting all personal on line!  LOL!  Your sweet 7 year old saw my before and after picture sitting on the desk.  She commented on how different I look and told me that I'd done a very good thing!  She very quickly added that she would have liked me even if I still looked like "that" (as in the BIG picture)!!!  Dana and I were stunned at her very sensitive and mature and IMMEDIATE reaction.  We shared it later with Dr. M and Terri and all of us agreed that those little girls have had some amazing training at home!  They were so well behaved!   Weigh 2 go!!!!  I posted my special picture on the wall of my office! 

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 11/11/08 1:18 pm - AZ
Reading your post made me smile. Thank you. I am very proud of both my girls. Many people have come up to me while shopping, eating out and such to tell me how well behaved our girls are.  That makes a mother feel good. They have both parents at home who love them and show them so. Steve and I show them our love for each other. We are active in each of their life's both together and spending time alone one on one. I thank you for your kind words. I always love to hear that our girls do well when we are not around.

Steve has been a wonderful person with all of this. He is very excited to get the skin issues taken care of and just loves Dr. M. And let me tell you it can be hard to impress Steve. Dr. M did!

Life has been crazy since my WLS. I'm just now starting to see how much I have lost. I was at a victory party for our new sheriff last week and had a couple of photos taken. I was viewing them on the way home. My ride laughed at me when I said Holy Cow I have long legs! I have always had fat short legs!

Anyway..... I will be seeing you at the meeting here in the East Valley group meeting. 6pm

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

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