I need advice please!
Well....New Whey bullets it is. Looks like at least 3 per day so looking for a really good price. I will also be eating a LOT of protein. In a way it is a big relief to me to make this decision as being nausous and throwing up every night wasreally getting old, not to mention upsetting both my DH and mother. Last night I drank no protein and was neither sick or throwing up. For some reason the New Whey bullet does not bother me so I got a supply of them today. Also Smart & Final has most of the Torani syrups on sale for $3.99 each. I picked up a 1/2 case of strawberry as it is my fav. Thanks everyone I appreciate all the input and suggestions! 

Nausea and vomiting has been an everyday problem since I came home from the hospital Lyns. The last 2 days...no protein other than the New Whey liquid bullet and NO nausea, no vomiting. Tonight so far I have in 110 gms of protein and no nausea, no vomiting. I will be doing another 21 before bed. for a total of 131. That is enough proof for me that the protein shakes have been causing my problem. Down the road I will try them again but not for a month or so. I am content with my totals for the day and I should be feeling better in a week or so now that I am able to get enough from my food and bullets.
Edited: I have an ice cream maker and have made batches of the frozen protein. It does the same thing as the drinks.
Edited: I have an ice cream maker and have made batches of the frozen protein. It does the same thing as the drinks.
Hi Gena
I have the same problem you do. I have never been one for liquids and I gag if I take anything I know has something in it that's good for me. That's why I can handle Optifast because it's in a pill form. I was so glad to hear about the Starbucks protein but since that didn't work out I'll do what I have been doing and eat as much protein food as allowed. I may try the whey bullets since they seem to be working for you. I am loosing slowly also, but I think it is because I have not been exersizing as I should. Have a wonderful day! :)