post- op
on 6/17/08 4:59 am - AZ

I am not allowed raw veggies, but I am allowed fruit, but he said to limit the amount because of the sugar in fruit. He also told me to stick to fish and pultry and stay away from beef for now. Maybe a little ground beef. Ray and I went to Denny's last night for dinner and I got the omelet with veggies and bacon in it. I had them hold the sausage. It was very good and I ate almost all of it and then I felt full. I still had some left and normally would have stuffed it in to fini**** but I laid my fork down. Ray ate my hasbrowns and toast and the rest of the omelet.It seems I can also tell that I am full because I burp or start sneezing. I hope that helps you Lyns. You can also order stick or even a baked potato with cheese and sour cream. Gena, so it seems you are in my boat. A lower BMI and slower losing. I'm like you "as long as it comes off!" I am wearing a blouse to work today that I have never worn since I met Ray. HIs latest comments are,"When did you get that?" I brought it from Ohio 4 years ago Ray, just couldn't fit into it! Another good one that I hardly ever heard is, :"You look nice today!" or (and this one is jokingly) "you look like you are going on a date" Lol. He also had the balls to say to me, "I love waterparks and when you lose more weight, I want us to go to one." Jackass! But, I didn't get bent out of shape because I know he is from the California beach area the land of the fruits and nuts, and also he is too stupid to realize how chauvenistic he sounded. YOu know how it is. Everyone has their good points and their bad point. And I hope I didn't offend anyone from California. I love all you people. Just joking around. Reggie, I will see you at Banner. I am looking forward to it and I hope some of the new people will come. You look amazing, girlfriend! I am so happy for you. Actually, I am happy for everyone on the board because we are all getting Healthier! I took Fooferdoo for a morning walk and that felt good. Now I am off to work. TGIF! Have a great day everyone!