Ooooh!! Now the itchies have started

Lady Lithia
on 5/29/08 2:21 pm
Hey Gena, it's been a super busy last couple of weeks, with final exams, stepdaughter's college graduation, other stepdaughter's graduation from high school, and then me preparing for summer school (I'm the administrator in charge of summer school during summer, regular teacher during the school year).  I've also found that surfing the net is one of the BEST ways to ensure I don't get the right food/water/vitamins. I seem to do better with my liquids and food overall if I watch TV than when I'm on the 'net. Since I feel a whole lot better when I get all my liquids in, I tend to watch more TV and do less 'net. I check in almost daily, but have very little chance to spend appreciable time online.  Love hearing the updates about my great friends here though!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/29/08 1:40 pm - AZ
So, went to the doctor. Sure enough it is an allergic reaction to the surgical strips. They removed the remainder of them and told me to get benadryl cream and oral. Started that tonight so hopefully it helps. He did say they have seen rashes from the strips before but thought it was pretty funny that they were in perfect squares around ea*****ision instead of being splotchier (my sister says that my Type A personality shows through even in my rashes!) Thank you all for convincing me to go in, they were glad that I did and hopefully they will get better now. He did say it would take several days but I should see them start to reduce with treatment. Rebecca
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


Deanne K.
on 5/30/08 1:27 am - Tucson, AZ
Rebecca, Glad to hear that's all it is. Join the tape allergy briggade!!!
(deactivated member)
on 5/30/08 10:44 am - AZ
Deanne, Have you heard from your insurance company yet ? I just wondering. Dawn
Deanne K.
on 5/30/08 1:27 pm - Tucson, AZ

I just finally got a hold of a Psychologist today and she wasn't sure if she was qualified to do a Psych consult for revisions.  She does them for 1st timers, so she was going to call Dr. Schlesinger to talk with him regarding it.  She may want me to do the MMP tests again.  Dr. Schlessinger's office won't even submit it to the insurance until I have the Psych consult and the records from my PCP.    I am in a holding pattern.  Jenn said that they are concerned because my BMI is only 38.7 and not at 40.  I don't want to have to gain 10 lbs to qualify, I told that to the Psychologist today, that it is kind of defeating the purpose, and she agreed.  My Psychologist from before is out of her office with no indication of when she will return. Have you heard about approval? Deanne

(deactivated member)
on 5/30/08 2:53 pm, edited 5/30/08 2:54 pm - AZ
Deanne, I still have to have my Psych consult. My appt is for June 16. That is the only hold up. Even Dr Schlesinger office called them and they would not budge. I am on a cancelation list. This office did my neuropsych testing last November but has nothing to with my surgery. I never  asked them if they qualifed to do it. But I  several times and said they can do it. This is a huge office about 20 doctors. My neurologist is there. I noticed you mentioned BMI. My BMI has been over atleast 54 for about 8 years. So I think I am okay on this. I noticed they like you to be on a medically supervised diet for 6 months. My doctor wrote that I have been on a diet for over 2 years with him and talk about nutriton amd excersie. I go to my doctor every 2 weeks usually but if he is on vacation, I don't see him. I never want to get on the scale at the doctors. But I know I have to now. In my insurance  policy for  a revision it is not as strict as for a first timmer at weight loss surgery. My insurance does there auths pretty quick. I am hoping for no more than a week for a decision. I have alot of comorbities but I think the clincher is my othopedist won't replace my knee's till I loose 100 lbs. I am on a  pain patch for the pain. Last winter was the worst ever. I could not harley walk for weeks. My doctor says how can you even excerise or do water aerboics when you can't put weight on your knee's let alone get in and out of the people. I can't but I have weight's that I use to excerise my upper body. I notice 2 people in the internet had my insurance they got approved. My insurance is a medicare advantage plan thru Healthnet but it is really medicare. They do  go by medicare guidelines and and they have more lax guideline for WLS. I hope I get luckey. Soon as I loose a 100 pounds I want to have my right knee done asap. I have bone on bone and grinds like hell. Well both knee's do my my right is worse. I just need reasurance and my MOM read my insurance policy and said it is already covereded due to my BMI of 59. That is stipid for you to gain 10 pounds to get surgery but I see pople on line say they gained it to have it done. It is really hard to find a Psych doctor for testing because no one wants to do the MMPI testing because insurance does not pay good enough for them to do it. So they refuse to do it. I had about 10 Psych doctors to pick from and only 2 will do it with my insurance. I have read online people that had Psych testing say it takes 1 hour and that another person says it take 4 hours to do it. My insurance said it was stupid for doctors requiring it to be done. I think people need to have it done. Would if your mind is not in the right place in time to have this major surgery.Well what do you think of my situation. Dawn 
Deanne K.
on 5/31/08 1:04 pm - Tucson, AZ
Dawn,  Keep trucking along and it will all fall into place, you shouldn't have any trouble getting approved.  I hope to hear from the Psychologist soon.  She uses the MMPI to help with the consult.  She wants a copy of my previous report, which is no problem as I have it.  I have UHC for state employees and it is excluded unless medically appropriate, so I am hoping that Dr. Schlesinger writes a letter that is undisputable regarding medical need.  He did say that there is enough medical necessity to have a revision done.  I am still somewhat in shock that he had told me that I wasn't even a lap-band candidate, so that distal is the best option for me.  I really hope that it all goes well for the both of us.  I just hope that my PCP is on-board with everything.  I don't go and see him for 3 weeks yet.  I go about every 3 months, so I am thinking we need to start the monthly diet routine again.  He wasn't too much behind me but knows how disappointed I have been in my other physician and how they don't really want to help me. Deanne
on 5/29/08 3:23 pm
Oh fabulous!   Poor thing! Lyns
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