on 4/29/08 11:11 am
Untill surgery im going out of my mind tring to get everything done. While taking care of my bed ridden grandma. Man im tierd. no time to think about whats going to happen with surgery. I think my biggest concern are my kids. they are excited for me so that really helps knowing that the want there mom to get better bitting my lip till next tuesday. I'm glad all you ladies and gents are all doing so well after your surgery keep up the good work.  Tracey

on 4/29/08 12:25 pm - AZ
You know what, we all want to succeed. Also the support we get after helps to. Plus the meesage boards are great. We can bounce ideas off each other, or even be a fly on the wall and know what other people are going through, and realise they are going through exactly what your going through. I havent even been post op for a month, and I have lost 22 pounds. I am doing it by exercising, eating what I am suppost to, and getting sopport, from family, friends, and my message buddies. :) The main thing to remember is the weight didnt get on over night so you wont lose it over night.  The surgery isnt a miracle, its a tool.  I so happy, excited, and amazed daily at the Chance I have to begin again, and I am taking nothing for granted.

on 4/29/08 2:06 pm - Glendale, AZ
I am so excited for you!!! 


*Surgery Scheduled for July 8th!! YAY
on 4/29/08 3:57 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Try to grab a bit of rest before your big day.  Hopefully, you have someone in mind to care for your Grandma when you get home.  Dr. B is a great surgeon and her staff very supportive.  Do what they tell you and you will succeed.  Best wishes.
on 4/29/08 11:36 pm
Thank you all so much for the support. Everyone here is always so great.

Sandra C.
on 4/30/08 12:57 am - Phoenix, AZ
I am so glad your big day is almost here! If your kids are excited for you that is so good because they will be a big help to you when you get home. I remember when I got home from the hospital after going to the store or even taking a shower, I got so worn out I asked my BF to get me a water because I was so weak. I had a full, open revision so I'm sure you won't be that bad, but till your insides heal it's always nice to have some help. Also, another hint, make sure you have some sugar free popsicles and sf fudgesicles in the freezer. They are a lifesaver. I also had sf jello, already made in the little four packs. I wish you well and say a prayer!
on 4/30/08 3:25 am - AZ
Hi Tracey,

The time will fly by. I did the same thing in counting the days then hours. Make sure that you have everything in order during this last week. I am still waiting to see the doctor to release me from the hospital. I thought he would have been by first thing this morning. I'll slide over and make room for you on the loser bench. In short time you will be on your way of a new you. Take care, Keith

Candi Y.
on 5/1/08 2:35 am - Cottonwood, AZ
Tracey - Your time will be here before you know it!  I too was so worried about having everything in order before the BIG DAY, and ya know what.........It all goes very smoothly and your family and kids will be there to help, for me the surgery went better then ever and I was doing things, probably that I shouln't have before I knew it!!  Go into this thinking POSITIVELY, I swear that was the one thing I did so differently then ever for me and you'll come out thinking POSITIVELY!  GOOD LUCK! 
on 5/1/08 4:15 am - AZ
You're almost there Tracey!! Good luck and soon I will be joining you on the loser's bench. Rebecca
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 5/1/08 10:20 am
I will save you a spot!!  Let me know how your appt. goes and what you think.

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