WLS WEST Valley Support Group this Sat!
A reminder, the WLSWestValley support group meets this coming Saturday from 10:30 AM till noon at the Banner Estrell Medical Center Loop 101 and Thomas Rd. In the classrom area just west of the main entrance.
Okay all us newbies that had surgery the same week or so.....let's get together!
This is a great peer facilitated group. Lots of fun and loves to share info with us new kids on the block!
I am definitely going to be there. My boyfriends relatives are coming for a visit this weekend, so this will be a perfect excuse to leave. They will probably go out to breakfast, which I didn't want to go to anyway. Thanks Gena!!
I'd be there, but I'm still trying to make up to my students for my time off work. I'm allowing them to come in to school from 9 until noon. When is the next one? Perhaps I'll be able to make that one? I just have this compulsion to help my kiddos and Saturday Morning is the best time for me.
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
Everyone join the group then I will not be responsiible if I give the wrong date. There are only a few messages monthly and they send reminders for the meetings. Go to this URL at Yahoo and request to join. It make take a day or so to get approved but come to the meeting tomorrow anyway.