Back in the hospital again!

Gena L.
on 4/23/08 12:51 pm - Sun City, AZ
I have felt like absolute crap since last Friday. The situation got worse by the day and I nearly cancelled and did not go to post op class yesterday. I got even worse during the  night. Knew I needed helep but made to PCP this morning who sent me directly to ER.  I was severly dehydrated.  To say I was exhausted was an understatement. I literally drug myself back and forth from the class and then to bed last night.  Lightheadded, very near blacking out, no hunger at all.   After infusing me with 2000 cc of sodium chloride I feel like a new human being...still very tired but it was a looooong day and those gurney's...oh man! Be very electrolytes were off and this is dangerous especially here in AZ. It has been my one real concern about the surgery as I have always drunk a lot of fluid. I should have realized by Monday what was wrong but my thinking was messed up from the imbalance....can not caution you enough. If you do not feel right....GET HELP! Gena


Lady Lithia
on 4/23/08 12:58 pm
Gena, I'm glad they figured out what you needed and were able to get it to you as soon as possible!  I've had a bad week myself. Last Friday my liquids were limited, Saturday I threw up a couple of times and my liquids were even more limited, and they've been limited every day up until today. Today I was absolutely determined to up my liquid intake, and I was absolutely and utterly amazed at how different I felt today. The last few days I got maybe 24 oz by the end of the school day and felt awful. Today I got 34 oz in before school started, and another 24 oz during the school day, and I was bouncy bouncy and full of energy. For certain our liquid intake can be essential.  Just in case I still have trouble and today is hard to duplicate tomorrow, I do have plans to see my PCP. I don't want to end up back in the hospital.  I sure hope you are doing better and this turns you from feeling bad to feeling great!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

Randi D.
on 4/27/08 11:44 am - Peoria, AZ
This is definitely off topic, but my kitty and your kitty could be sisters.  My torti is 13 and she is a sweet girl. Randi

Randi in AZ   
Myspace Layouts 



on 4/23/08 1:34 pm
We were just talking about this today in my pre op class.  This is the number 1 problem for people after surgery.  It can actually be very dangerous.  I am so glad you got help!  Drink, drink, drink! Glad you home.  Thanks for the update. Lyns
on 4/23/08 3:07 pm - Surprise, AZ
So sorry to hear this Gena!  Are you having trouble drinking your water?  I have had a couple hard days with throwing up and nausea but i am still able to get plenty of water in , i think!  I am sure you sent a scare through your hubby!  Take care of yourself and drink, drink, drink.  Huggs, Dawn
Gena L.
on 4/23/08 9:11 pm, edited 4/23/08 9:12 pm - Sun City, AZ
For several days I had a lot of trouble with water and food and no protein.  Only nausea when brushing teeth but nearly everyone does. Don't know how it happened as I saw Dr Juarez just the day before this started. I remember being exhausted. Should have gone to ER on Sunday but did not...will not fail to do so if this happens again. And yes, it frightened Jim terribly. I am comfortable in hospitals but not him..... this pretty much describes him :-) When word in ER got around most of the female nurse's came by to see if I needed anything and then of course the questions came out about my surgery.  The male nurse thought it way drastic as a way to overcome diabetes. Oh well! Gena


Sandra C.
on 4/24/08 2:06 am - Phoenix, AZ wonder you had no energy! Electrolytes are very important. I think it something to do with potassium that play a huge part in electrlytes. I just looked at the label on the bottle of "OptiSource" and I see it doesn't have any potassium in it. I used to drink the new water drink made by Coke, I think its called "E something" and the label says is full of potassium. I was always getting leg cramps from my high blood pressure medicine and it seemed to help. anyway, I am so glad you are feeling better.You still looked beautiful, at the group. How do you do that? As for that male nurse, the way I was feeling about men the last few days, he's lucky I wasn't there, or would have laid into him, big time.  Stay well, sweetie!

on 4/24/08 9:08 am - Glendale, AZ
Wow sorry to hear that Gena. I know I have been slacking in the water dept but I do honestly try to get my water in if nothing else but it's hard. I just want to take gulps of water sometimes but then get frustrated when I can't so I give up. But with the heat coming I know I have to get on the ball. Glad your feeling better.
}i{ Julie
on 4/24/08 9:54 am
I'm so glad you are OK.  I think it is telling that even with all your experience and expertise you still missed what was going on.  It is even more important with us who don't have the medical experience you do.  Glad you are OK.  Go "hit the bottle!"
Gena L.
on 4/24/08 2:18 pm - Sun City, AZ
Thanks everyone. Dehydration is very dangerous and while I wondered if I was dehydrated I though it was more just exhaustion.  I knew this would be a problem for me as I love to drin****d drinks, especillialy iced decaf tea. So I had hubby drive me to Target and got a small slushee machine, $19.99 with a cup included. They have a very small selection of unsweetened flavors and I will order some ot the Torini flavors.  I just made myself a slushee and I am sitting here enjoying it. I know I will get my money's worth out of it this summer! Gena


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