I Started My Protein Drinks Early
I started my protein drinks last Friday, could not wait until Tuesday to begin. Let me say it’s been a little rough with the headaches but I am managing it ok. I went to Cosco and bought one of those really nice scales that read up to 400 pounds. It’s a Weigh****cher brand. When I got home I striped down to my underwear and T shirt to get a good reading. The scales registered me at 372 pounds on Thursday of last week. Been weighing myself every day and the pounds have been coming off daily. Been walking a lot and today was a very busy day at work where I was up and down stairs all days. I could not believe when I step on the scales this afternoon when I go home. Yes I know most of this weight loss is water weight but my face is getting thinner and my pants will fall off of my A--. When I was use to consuming about 4000 calories per day and I have cut the intake down to 1000 calories things are beginning to happen. So how much did I weigh? Well as I said I could not believe it so I had to weigh myself 3 times and each time the scale recorded the same amount, 359.5 pounds and I have two weeks before my surgery date.
The Chike Protein drinks are the best I have ever tasted. I went to my doctor’s office on Friday to make payment on my surgery and was given 10 samples of this protein drink. Much better than the GNC vanilla, skim milk, Splenda, and strawberries drinks I was having, but the Chike is very expensive to purchase.
Been grilling chicken in my Ronco grille I have never used. It's the one with the big gears on each side that we have all seen the commercials on TV. My Mother-In-Law gave it to us years ago. The dang thing works GREAT!!! Keeps the chicken moist in the inside once the outside has seared.
To get free samples is to have your Doctor’s office to request free samples. We can ship to the Doctor’s office at no cost to the Doctor or the patient. You can pick your samples up from the Doctor’s office without paying the shipping costs.
All sample requests are processed by phone. Call 877-974-2537 to get your samples on their way to you today!!