My surgery date was canceled... new psychologist?

on 4/13/08 4:34 pm, edited 5/20/08 2:38 pm - Flagstaff, AZ
My surgery date was set and all we were waiting on was my approval from my psychologist... when Murphy's Law decided to kick in... My psychologist disapproved the surgery for me AGAIN!  What the hell!!! He said I gained too much weight since the last time I saw him, which was almost 6 months ago! DUH... I gain weight just by LOOKING at food! That is precisely why I NEED the surgery! Gosh, could you be any more ignorant or inattentive?!  SO now my surgery date was canceled by my surgeons office, and they want me to start over again with the nutritionist! She is mean, I really don't like her, last time I had to see her, she made me cry and I couldn't stop crying for like an hour! LOL... ok she isn't mean but I seriously could not stop crying, it sucked and I was embarrassed. I'm guessing that in order to get the freaking psychologist to say I'm "ready" for the surgery I am going to have to lose like 20lbs on my own first... uhm isn't that the point of needing the surgery though?! ...The fact that it is extremely difficult for me to lose weight on my own? Uhm HELLO!!! Not to mention, the date I had the surgery planned for was VERY thought out, and THAT specific date was perfect for my future plans. Now everything is all screwed up. I am SOOO DISAPPOINTED!!! 

I am wondering if I can find a different psychologist that will actually *understand* the situation and approve me and if I can just continue on from that point... does anybody know if you can do that? Or do you usually have to go through the surgeon's preferred people???
on 4/13/08 6:41 pm, edited 4/13/08 6:46 pm
That is unbelievable.  You must be so irate, i would be.  Trying to loose weight before surgery is very helpful and lowers the risk of complications so, it should be attempted a great deal. Having said that, I can't figure out why in the world you are staying with that office being that  the NUT is mean and the psych dr has no faith in you.  Can you come to phoenix?  Scottsdale Health has the most fantastic psych!  He is reallllly nice on the eyes to I might add!  If you can't come to town, find a new office for sure.  You have bad blood at this one and I feel it is not a positive place for you.  Having a positive place is going to be so important.   This psych thing isn't a big problem and it is easy to fix.  Your doctors office however seems to not be the right fit.  I know you love your doctor so if you won't change doctors, go to another psych!  I would NOT tell them you have been denied by another professional.  You want them to look at you openly and fairly.  Just tell them you need their professional approval for the insurance and go from there. Gosh.  I am all frustrated for you! Lyns
on 4/13/08 11:39 pm - AZ
I completely second everything said here (especially the fact that the psych is easy on the eyes!). Everybody I have met with this program has been really fantastic and completely understanding of this whole process, the surgery and what we need to address in order to be successful. Rebecca
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 4/14/08 1:52 am - Flagstaff, AZ
May I ask who your nutritionist was?  I'm so sorry you are going through this.  Also, who was the psychologist you met with?


on 4/14/08 4:18 am - Flagstaff, AZ
I saw Dr. Langsdorf for the psych eval, and the nutritionist's name was Sara (I think). I'm really having a hard time understanding why he disapproved me because this last time I met with him, he KNEW that I had my surgery date planned, and that I had already made arrangement for my mom to come stay with me, and he knew the reasoning behind why I needed it around that specific timing and everything! I just don't get it...
on 4/14/08 8:20 am - Surprise, AZ
How disapponted you must feel!   I would  be soooo bummed out too.  What exactly did he say were the reasons?   Did he tell you to get therapy first? He must have to give you some kind of written explaination.  If not, I would contact the surgeon and get a copy of his report.  I was able to get the report from my phyc. that was sent to my surgeon. I paid for the session, I get the report.  You just have to ask. Good Luck, Dawn
on 4/14/08 3:54 am - Albuquerque, NM
Jaclyn, I'm also curious as to who your NUT is/was and who is/was your Psychologist?  I am two hours away from meeting with the NUT and I'm hoping it's someone who isn't as rough as what you encountered!  I'm somewhat of an "in-your-face" kind of person with people who are rude so if the NUT and I don't hit it off I'm most likely not going to keep quiet about it!  As for the Psych I saw, his name was Dr. Langsdorf.   Don't give up!  You have this entire group pulling for you!!!   Katherine

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Unknown Author
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

on 4/14/08 4:15 am - Flagstaff, AZ
I saw Dr. Langsdorf as well! He seems SO nice in person! Both times I met with him he totally *acted* like he was all gung-ho about my approval and didn't hint whatsoever to the fact that he was planning on denying me! I really don't understand why he denied me. This last time he knew I had a surgery date scheduled and everything! Plus he knew I already had made plans with my mom to come stay with me and all.
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 4/14/08 8:40 am - Tucson, AZ


Call the office and ask if you can pick up a copy of the report.  After you have had time to read it call the Psych and ask him the reason why he denied you if you still don't understand.  He really should have given you an explanation before sending it to your surgeon.


Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

on 4/14/08 7:41 am
I am telling and begging you, switch offices!  You WILL not get the support you need.  Its to much bad blood.  If you switch offices if you can avoid it, don't tell them another office denied you.  You want them to look at you openly.  Just ask for a copy of all your medical records.  I would not give them the psych eval I would just get a new one.  I don't know what your BMI is but if you loose 20 pounds you may not qualify for the surgery with your insurance. Double check.  I know the drive sucks and everything but I think you need to look at either a near by city like Prescott or Phoenix/Scottsdale! UGH.  I am soooo frustrated for you.  Keep me posted.  Lyns
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