Lap Band Out patient
yah after losing more than 100 lbs, of course it was worth it :) The best thing I ever did. I would say the first two days after surgery were pretty miserable for me. I think the nausea really impacted it, but there is still pain and it was painful to get in and out of bed. I was back to work after a week and just walked a lot the first month. The two days of discomfort was well worth it!! I have no regrets! Good luck to you!
Wow. Thanks for that. I thought it would be a little difficult the first week but tolerable after that. The reason I needed to know how difficult it was in the beginning was so that I could guess what kind of time off I needed at work. I truly believe this will be a good thing for me. I've lost weight and gained it back and back and back. The lap band will help me permanently keep it off. I have a portion problem with food. I really eat pretty healthy just too much. Thanks for your imput....
It also depends of your willingness to follow orders from the dr. I have my First day back to work on Monday, I had my Lap band on Thursday April 3rd. I feel totally ready to go back to work. I have been walking, walking walking, Drinking, drinking drinking. I feel great. I stayed the Night in the Hospital, Because I have sleep apnea, and the Numbers on My C-PAP are12, which they told me at Scottsdale Healthcare was to high to Do over at Piper, So I had to be in the Main OR. Up until 4 days before my surgery they were going to be out patient. I wish you all the luck in the world.