channel 12 news tomorrow night
I have no idea what its about . There have been lots of stories on even Oprah about the disadvantages, what they don't tell you and people who have gained it back. I think those stories are totally okay but what happens to often is, it tends to geared to the negative and reporters take a "listen only approach". Often I find reporters don't ask the key questions such as, "why do you think you gained this back?" " How many times a week did you work out and excersize?" " Do you feel you followed everything you were advised." Having said that people who do all of these things and follow every rule can also gain it back. Sure, that happens also.
I kind of look at it this way, it is what you make of it. If Meth addicts could get a surgery that cured the addiction or at least give them a better chance do you think people would be as negative about that? Nope. Even if the odds were the same. Eating is an addiction like many others. Obesity is also hereditary like often you find with drug and alcohol addictions.
Of course there will be people who have bad experiences, fail with the surgery and even die. Even plastic surgery have those odds. Almost anything with some risk have those odds.
Not to down play the seriousness of this surgery and what we are all going through but if you do watch it, remember what your heart tells you and always educate the negative. Its important for us all and those who cover it to be realistic as well as fair & balanced about it.
You will have to let me know how the story goes! Best of luck to you hunny!
:) Hugs!
May I join this chat ? I have 2 opinions here ...
1- it must be a slow news day ! or ratings week? since we have wonderful surgeons here in the phx metro area - the best audience is the one who wants to bad stuff ! more viewers - what they need is a rebutal - like they use to have yrs ago - remember this is only another persons opinion - a lot of sucessful people have their surgery and then learn to live a productive life and move on .
2. everyone has problems , some of us deal with it in other ways ! eating is a way for most obese people to deal with stress! - it just shows up on our bodies differantly than some one who might use alcohol or drugs .. for the obese pt it always a possability that you will gain some or all your weight back -- many Dr and Psychs have told us before and will tell us again to fix our heads ..
It just piss's me off that someone who has never walked in our shoes is so quick to judge this medical treatment. for some of us it has saved our lives , some of us never loose all our weight, some will loose too much weight. some will gain 5%,10% or more back ..... I say as long as your happy with your results - who cares what the news has to say !! -
and as I sat here finishing this I saw the ad .... sounds like someone who didnt have a good support group is the feature of that story !!!
A very similar story was played up months and months ago when I had just made up my mind to have surgery. I thought I might learn from the program. When the show actually aired it was a big joke. I was sorely disappointed in the quality of the program and was mostly about transfer of addictions though that term was never used. I personally would have been embarresed to have taken part in the very short program or to have been portrayed as the patients.
I must say I feel sorry for the person who ever accuses me of taking the easy way out.
my thought is that if you stay active in support groups, local activities and maintain a good support base of friends - you will not be so bored at home that you pick up a bottle of wine or some other boze and drink, nor will you sit in front of qvc buying anything and everything ! I am sure they will not show the person who has a new "addiction" to running or working out - or going out doing volunteer work because she has now lost so much weight she can walk and move around more freely ?
who was the psych ?? Dave or Buddy ??
Love em both , fun guys to talk with Dave usually does the pre-op class. and he is doing the emotional eating group at sbc.
Its a money game for the media !! and oprah ... who by the way was reported to be seen at Dr Blackstones office not too long ago .. ? fact or fiction .... who knows
Interestingly enough, I asked the psych guy at preop class yesterday about transfer addictions since Oprah and the like seem to be so "worried" about them, as this news story demonstrates. He said there has been no actual research that shows that gastric bypass patients are at any greater risk for a "transfer addiction" than anybody else. He thinks people who are opposed to the surgery are taking rare instances of a different addiction problem with a post-op and creating this myth of there being a high risk of transfer addiction. Found his viewpoint very interesting, thought I would share.
3 1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!