I am so sorry they changed your day....I would go kickin and
screamin and havin a hissy fit though! They have been movin people arround at Scottsdale eh? Well, never mind...I would not really
act like that you know the old saying about God never closing a door without leaving a window open. I am a firm believer in Karma. What is meant to be will be. We will all be here waiting with you.

Yes Gena, you have my permission to lay around and not do any housework! Thats an order, tell Jim lol.

Hey Jus4tra,
You should be very proud of yourself!! You've already lost 17 pounds without surgery. That is wonderful.....WLS will be a breeze for you and here before you know it. I'm 5 and half months post op. My date was moved as well. It happens. Before you know it you will be in the post-op room of the hospital and then complaining of those terrible protein drinks once you get home like the rest of us have..
Best wishes and a happy bowel prep,

Well for whatever its worth there are sooooo many people who would love to even have a date, moved or not. In fairness, I totally understand and think you are appreciative. Just feel blessed and realize May 6th is such a better day because its the day before my birthday and so it has to be lucky!