bowel prep
Would you believe me if I told you this is one of the better bowel preps?
For colonoscopies there is one called by this REAL misnomer of a name...
it is called GoLightly......a whole gallon of the stuff. You mix it up and then put it in the fridge to get it real cold and then you start drinking it while sitting on the glass after another. Trust DO NOT golightly! It is very salty tasting and you are freezing by the time you fini****it is really nasty and most people are before they fini****if they do. Well, I guess Dawn you could have lived without knowing that. Just trying to get a smile out of you tho I hope you are sleeping.....
How are you doing? I just woke up and got right on the board to see if you posted. So, the worst is over! Now the best part begins!! Guess what? Today, is my birthday, so we do have a lot in common. I worked today and came home and took a 4 hour nap!! We both slept today. The hospital called today and I did a payment by phone for my deductible. It was lower than I thought, so that was a nice birthday present. I am so happy for you honey !!
Well, first I bought Mag Citrate by mistake. That is bad enough...then I went to get the Phosphate of Soda....oh my, it is flavored wuth lemon which is fine but also with ginger! I HATE is almost like an allergy with me I dislike it so badly, even the smell of gingers makes me OK over kill maybe but I may call and see if I can take the mag citrate instead....anyone else done that? Oh man I dread drinking this stuff! Would almost rather have the gallon of Golightly!
Hi all, well its been 5 days since i drank that stuff and it still gags me to think of it. i also had to drink that go lightly stuff for a recent colonoscopy and its no picnic either. i had heard that there is a pill that can be taken now,, but none of my dr's have ever heard of it. hmmmm. maybe this is just a right of passage that we have to go through. worth it of course but not fun! I will be thinking of you that day and praying for cooperative taste buds lol. Dawn