Next round of surgeries at bat is Dawn on Friday morning
...( Dawn's guardian angel is already watching over have to be getting nervous
now Dawn? Are you ready to go? Bag all packed? I am so excited for you. I don't remember what time your surgery is but hope it is early so you do not have to lie there in suspense.
I will have my RNY next Thursday...still does not seem real yet but I did spend a couple of hours at Barnes & Noble shopping for my surgery book...I got several new ones. This won't be as fun as a beach
read but hopefully I will be able to concentrate enough after surgery to enjoy them. My surgery date got cancelled some how...gee, I wonder who?....but I got it back on the 3rd but I am now what they call a To I have to be at Good Sam at 11:00 for a 1:PM OR slot...that is ok...I HATE
getting up at 5 am for anything.
The following day, the 4th is Reggie's turn.
...Yeah! Woo HOO!!!!!...Girls this part is finally going to be behind us and life will be good when we get sprung and go home with our tiny new tummies.
Any one heard from Julie tonight???

The BEST book in the world is Joel osteens YOUR BEST LIFE NOW. Its an amazing LIFE CHANGING positive book. It is honestly the best thing to read or listen to while recovering from this surgery. It will empower you and get you ready for your new life. Very positive book. Just a suggestion!
I did hear from Julie last night. She is having lots of discomfort from gases but overall very well. She was scheduled to come home today sometime and said she would post something.
I cannot wait for Dawn and then you Gena!
Dawn its tomorrow! HOLY COW! Let us know how you are feeling my love! We are all so excited for you.

Thanks so much Gena for being such an angel
. I am not really nervous yet. Weird but true. I am just ready. Haven't packed but will do that this afternoon between trips to the potty. If I am worried about anything its that they will call and postpone me again after I take the bowel prep. that would really be bad!
Next Thursday will come so fast for you! Too bad you can't sleep most of it away tho. I too have the dreaded CPAP and am not fond of it but it does improve my sleep quite a bit.
I was unable to find any new books at Barnes and Noble. Had to order several but my fav is probably Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies. I think i have read it 3 times already lol
Haven't heard anymore from Julie. Hoping she gets home today tho.
I will think of you tomorrow morning when I am up at 5 getting ready for my 9:30 surgery. I too hate early morning anything. I will have Frank call you from the hospital as soon as I am in my room and awake. Thanks for posting for me. Your a sweetheart.

Congrats to everyone who's stepping up to bat! If I didn't have "the itchies" I would have been here more online as support. As it is, I keep looking to that bright day when I won't itch anymore. Then I'll worry about getting excited about the surgery. But the upside for those of you on the way... my itchies are an extreme (but not deadly) complication that I think is ultra ultra rare, so don't let my experience make you feel apprehensive. And if every other part of my experience other than the itchies is the way it will be for you all, then you'll be feeling absolutely wonderful!
Good luck and if I don't get back online before your surgeries, I know you'll do well.
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
You guys are absolutely wonderful. I wish I could write more right now but the meds are kicking in and I have somemore walking to do. I will update my blog over the weekend to let you know about my experience.
Dawn your going to go great. Make sure you have a toothbrush and eat ice for the dry mouth YUCK! I found out the pain I was having in my shoulder was not from gas it was from one of my tubes so once they took that out I was better. I wish you the best of luck and can't wait for you to join me and the rest of these lovely ladies on the loser bench.