Dr. Juarez ~ Bridges/St. Luke ~ Wait Times ?
Anyone here that has utilized Dr. Juarez, I have a question for you ... I've already had one appointment cancelled by the office and have re-scheduled. With that being said, I'm concerned about wait times to get in and time in the waiting room, especially since I'm on my 4th visit with my PCP and have still not been able to see the surgeon. I've had people tell me that he's not overtly talkative which is fine with me because my research has indicated good outcomes and he is a center of excellence. My dilemma is that I have to drive about 4 hours to see him and I've heard that his appointments are like 15 minutes; however, one person told me that she had to wait hours to get in (on the day she had her appointment). I have scheduled another appt in Phoenix on the same day, about two hours after this appointment and am curious to know if waiting hours in the waiting room is a common thing? Anyone know?

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!