TriCare in AZ??? (military ins)
Hello all!
I am wondering if anyone has or has dealt with Tricare in AZ? My husband was in the Navy reserves and has been activated and deployed to Iraq... anyhow I used to have BCBS but now I have Tricare through the military and I wanted to know if anybody has any clue how much money out of pocket it cost them with this insurance, or how long it took them for approval... etc.
I had been working on getting the surgery when I had the BCBS so I have all my pre-op required tests completed, so basically all I am waiting on is my next appointment with my surgeon (March 19th!!!) so that I can tell him about my new insurance and hopefully we can get the approval quickly and set a date. I have heard that Tricare is very good about approvals and also very SPEEDY. SO I was hoping to find SOMEONE/ANYONE who has Tricare and can tell me how their approval process was and basically just how much out of pocket they had to spend!
I have Tricare and so far I've only paid co-pays for the different doctor visits. It usually 12 to 25 dollars. I have not had the procedure yet, so I'm not sure about the hospital cost. I think the hospital stay is only like 25 a day, but don't quote me. I think it also matters if you have Tricare prime versus Tricare standard. I don't know how they are different, but I think more surgeons take standard than prime. I have prime and the only surgeon I know about in Phoenix who take Tricare Prime is Dr. Villares. Hope this helps,
Hi, Jaclyn,
I had Tricare Prime and didn't have any problem getting approved once the paperwork finally was submitted to them (as I recall, it was just a couple of days before I was approved). Granted I had 4 or 5 co-morbidities which helped the situation. Dr. Newhoff was my doctor but unfortunately he has retired and I believe Dr. Villares is the only surgeon in Phoenix taking Tricare. The only out-of-pocket expense I had was the $25 for the hospital visit and now the $12 co-pay for the follow up visits with the surgeon. Plus buying all the protein drink that one needs after surgery. Good luck!
P.S. The picture is my "before" picture -- I just haven't taken the time to update but I have lost 145 pounds to date. My surgery was July 31, 2006.
YAY!!! That is awesome! I think my surgeon up in Flagstaff takes Tricare, but that was last time I checked, about 6 months ago. And I just talked to his office today and told them of my new insurance, and they didn't say anything about him not taking it, so I think I am in the clear! I have a lot of co-morbidities too, I am embarrassed to say so since I am so "young"... I have sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, lower back pain, hypothyroid, high cholesterol., depression.. I don't know if all those count as true co-morbities, but they will at least help with getting the surgery approved! I am glad to hear of how quickly your surgery was approved, I have heard that first hand from a few people now so I am starting to believe it! =] *fingers crossed* Thanks so much for your reply and congrats on your weight loss!!! I bet it feels just amazing...
It is amazing. I can do so many more things that I could not do before. It's a great journey. I'm now off my blood pressure meds, diabetes medication and inhaler. The only meds I take now are for allergies. I'm still on a c-pap but am hoping that will go away once I have lost another 25 pounds. Good luck to you!